In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing Date the 21st day of March 1747 We the Subscribers being appointed to Appraise the Estate of James Cosby decd. did accordingly meet and being first Sworn Appraised the same as followeth Vizt.

9 2 Years old a 15/ £6..15/ 3 old Cows a 25/ £3..15/£10..10..0
4 large Steers a 35/ £7 14 Cows & 1 Steer 26/ £9..10/26..10..0
16 Sheep 5/ £4 9 Lambs 3/ £1..7/5.. 7..0
1 old Mare 30/ 1 old Horse 25/2..15..0
10 Leather Chairs 45/ 2 low Do. 3/2.. 8..0
1 old Oval Table 7/ 1 large old Chest 7/ 1 old Desk 20/1..14..0
1 small Chest 4/ 1 small looking Glass 25/ 1 small Trunk 3/1..12..0
1 large Trunk 6/ 1 Chest 5/ 1 warming pan 10/1.. 1..0
1 pr. Andirons 10/ 1 pr. Small Stilyards 7/6 11 Plates 11/1.. 8..6
6 old Dishes 10/ 3 tin pans & 1 pewter Can 6/3 15 small Earthen pans 2/60..18..9
1 small Spice Morter & Sifter 2/ 3 Iron pots 16/6 1 potrack 7/61.. 6..0
1 large Spit & 1 Skillet 12/6 1 Leather Couch 4/ Tea Kettle 10/1.. 6..6
2 Box Irons & 2 heaters 2/6 1 pr. firetongs 2/6 old Table 2/0.. 7..0
4 old Pails 4/ 1 old mans Saddle 10/ 1 old small brass Kettle & 1 frying pan 5/0..19..0
2 Spinning Wheels 2 Iron Spindles & 2 pr. Cards0.. 7..6
2 Candlesticks & 1 pr. Snuffers 2/6 1 Grindstone 4/0.. 6..6
1 old Cart and Wheels 15/ 7 doz: & 9 bottles 16/1..11..0
1 Rum Cask & 1 Barrel 6/ 21/2 Barrels of Tar 12/60..18..6
10 lb. Wool 10/ 5 Cowhides & 1 Calf Skin 20/1..10..0
1 Iron Pestle 4/ 1 small Gun 20/ 3 old Chests 10/1..14..0
1 pr. Pistols Holster and Holster Caps and a Hanger1..10..0
1 Cloth Coat & a Duffle Waistcoat £3 1 Duroy Coat & breeches 26/4.. 6..0
A parcel old Books 10/ 2 old Beds bedsteads & hides 40/2..10..0
1 large Bible 20/ 1 Bed Bedsteads Rug & a pr. Sheets &c £45.. 0..0
1 Bed Bedsteads Cord Hide Rug a pr. Sheets & old Curtains4.. 0..0
1 small Trundle Bed Bedstead Cord Hide Rug & a pr. Sheets2..10..0
3 Pillows & 2 Cases 5/ 1 Silver Watch £33.. 5..0
1 Negro Man Named George45..0..0
8 Hogs 64/ 9 Shoats 36/ 1 old Gun 25/6.. 5..0
6 Hhds. Tobo. qt. Nett 6663 lb. at 15/49..19..5
1 old Negro Man Robin £12 2 old Razors 2/612.. 2..6
1 small pr. Money Scales 3/6 1 old Grid Iron 1/0.. 4..6

Arthr. Dickeson
Ellyson Armistead
Natha: Buck
John Lester his mark

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: