In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing Date the 21st day of March 1747 We the Subscribers being appointed to appraise the Estate of James Cosby decd. in James City County did accordingly meet and being first Sworn appraised the same as followeth Vizt.

3 large Steers a 40/ £6 2 Smaller Do. 35/ £3..10/£9..10..0
8 smaller Do. & 1 Bull £8..15 4 Cows & Calves £614..15..0
10 Cows £11..10/ 5 Heifers £3..12..6 12 Year olds £4..8/19..10.0
3 Hides 8/ 2 Iron pots & 2 pothooks & a frying Pan 12/61.. 0..6
3 Iron Wedges 5/ 3 Harrow Teeth & 1 old Table 6/0..11..0
A parcel of old Iron 1 broad hoe & a narrow Ax 4/9 1 Young Horse 40/2.. 4..9
5 Sows & 1 Barrow 25/ 10 large Shoats 35/ 20 smaller Do. 50/6..10..0
1 Canoe0.. 5..0
1 old Negro Woman Named Hannah20.. 0..0
1 Negro Man named Tom45.. 0..0
1 Do. named Jemmy45..0..0

John Allen
Wm. Hooker
Thos. Cowles

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: