In Obedience to an Order of York County Court Dated the 20th of June 1748 We the Subscribers being first Sworn did Value the Estate of Elizabeth Morris. Decd. as follows Vizt.

To 3 Sows & 4 Pigs Shoats 25/ an old Horse 5/£1..10..0
A Bed, Bedstead, a pr. Sheets, a Coverlid, a Bolster & Matt4.. 5..0
An old Chest, a Pestle, a Spinning Wheel, 2 pr. Cards0.. 9..0
A Bed Bedstead, Bolster, 1 pr. Sheets, 2 blankets, 1 Rug1.. 1..6
6 Plates, 3 Dishes 5 Spoons0..16..0
A large Iron pot & pothooks 10/ 1 small Do. 3/60..13..6
A frying pan / a brass Kettle 2/ 1 Tin Do. 1/60.. 5..6
1 Pail 2 Piggins 3/ 5 Earthen pots 5/4d0.. 8..4
a drinking Glass 8d a Candlestick & Salt 1/0.. 1..8
An old Bag 6d 2 Heaters 1/ a Potrack 7/0.. 8..6
An Ax 2/6 a Rum Cask & Beer Do. 5/0.. 7..6
A parcel Cotton picked and unpicked0.. 3..6

Edwd. Cross
John Baptist
John Wagstaff

To a Mare & 2 Colts sold since the Appraisement2..5..0

Jones Irwin Executor

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl:Cur: