In Obedience to an Order of York County Court We the Subscribers first being Sworn before Samuel Reade Gent. one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said Country have Appraised the Estate of Peter Goodwin decd. and made due Inventory thereof as followeth Vizt.

To 49 Sheep at 6/ p Sheep£14..14..0
" A Grey Mare & Colt £3 a Bay Horse & Colt 15/3..15..0
" A Grey Horse 20/, a Grey Horse 30/, a Bay Colt £46..10..0
" 3 Yoke of Oxen £14 5 steers £7..10/21..10..0
" 6 steers £7..10/ 2 Cows £3 19 Cows £26..12/37.. 2..0
" 7 Heifers £7..10/ 9 two Year olds £6..15/ 1 Bull15.. 0..0
" 16 Calves £5..12. A Horse £4 46 hogs different sizes £11..10/21.. 2..0
" A Desk 2..10/ 6 Chairs of Leather 14/ 9 Do. 30/ 2 Do. 10/5.. 4..0
" An Oval Table 15/ 1 Do. 10/ a Box & an old Chest 6/1..11..0
" A Mans Saddle & Bridle 30/ a Womans Saddle & furniture £45..10..0
" 2 Fleshing Knives 2/ a Set of hoops 6/0.. 8..0
" A Set of Wedging wt. 24 lb. at 4 d. p lb.0.. 8..0
" A parcel of Carpenters Tools 3/6 37 old Iron 3/1d.0.. 6..7
" 2 Juggs 4/6 8 flag Chairs 22/ 1 pr. Stilyards 5/1..11..6
" A Grey Mares Colt 15/ 1 Gun 25/2.. 0..0
" A Negro Man Harry40.. 0..0
" A Negro Man Paul32.. 0..0
" A Negro Wench10.. 0..0
" A Negro Wench10.. 0..0
" A Negro Girl Kate30.. 0..0
" A Negro Girl Dinah15.. 0..0
" A Negro Girl Frank12.. 0..0
" A Negro boy Child Malachi5.. 0..0
" A Negro Man Tom30.. 0..0
" A Negro Wench Jenny & Child35.. 0..0
" A Negro Boy Harry27.. 0..0
" A Shark Line & Chain hook 3/60.. 3..6
" A Bed & furniture £3 1 Do. £4 1 Do. £411.. 0..0
" An old Chest 3/ a Trunk 12/60..15..6
" A Silver hilted Sword and Pistols & Holsters £6.. 0..0
" A small looking Glass 2/6 3 Ells of Garlix 12/0..14..6
" A Womans hat 4/ a Womans Handkerchief 2/0.. 6..0
" A parcel of Womans Apparel £6 a Silk Quilt 30/7..10..0
" The half of a Sain 10/ a Spinning Wheel 6/ a Cradle 2/60..18..6
" An old Chest box & an old Bestead0.. 8..0
" 30 lb. Unpict Cotton 7/6 a Case of old Pistols & Holsters 10/0..17..6
" A Case of Bottles 10/ 7 Doz. & 10 Bottles 16/1.. 6..0
" A parcel of Table Linnen 30/ 4 Pillow Cases & 3 Towells 7/1..17..0
" ¼ Yard Cambrick 1/ 1 Yard of Shaloon 2/60.. 3..6
To 5 Shirts & Jackets 43/ ½ doz. Tea Spoons in case 2/6£2.. 5..6
" ½ doz. China Coffee Cups 5/ 6 earthen Cups and Saucers 2/0.. 7..0
" A Silver Watch £6 200 Pins 2/6 a parcel of thread 2/66.. 5..0
" A pr. of Knee Buckles 7½d. Mohair 4d. a pr. Money Scales 6/0.. 6..11½
" 2 Razors & straps 3/6 44 lb. feathers 44/2.. 7..6
" 1 Bed £3 1 Bed Bedstead & furniture 50/ 1 small Bed 10/6.. 0..0
" 2 Chests an old Trunk and an old Table0..10..0
" 68 lb. Wool £3..8/ 172 lb. Pot Iron £2..3/ 52 lb. Copper £3..5/8..16..0
" 5 Stone Butter Pots & earthen Milk pans 15/ an old Sythe 2/60..17..6
" 4 Spits 12/ 2 Dripping pans 2/ Skillet small brass Kettle & brass Ladle 10/1.. 4..0
" An old Cart & Wheels 2 Yokes, Lenks & Staples and 2 Chains1..10..0
" 5 old Hoes 2/ 4 Narrow Axes 8/ a broad Ax frying pan and 2 Potracks an old Spice Morter1..5..0
12 lb old Iron 1/ 39 lb. Pewter a 1/ 25 at 9d. 29 at 7½ d. £2..15..12..16..1
" 28 lb Pewter a 1/3 d. 36/ an old Gun2..16..0
" 2 Drum Giggs and a pr. of Oyster Tongs an old Warming pan0.. 2..6
" A pr. of Brass Spurrs 1/3d. a parcel of Earthen Ware 10/0..11..3
" A Tea Kettle 7/6 a Case of Knives & forks 5/ 2 Table Cloths 3/0..15..6
" A pair of Womens Shoes0.. 2..0
" 2 Reap hooks 2/ a Wimble Stock and Bullet Moulds0.. 3..8
" A Sword 7/6 a Claw hammer 7½ a Box Iron & Heaters 13/1.. 1..1½
" 11 lb. Rice 1/ an old Searce 7½ an old Kettle 1/0.. 2..7½
" A pair of Cotton Cards 1/ an old Coffee pot, Spoon, Bullet Moulds Virga. Cruit 4/0.. 5..0
" A parcel of hooks and Lines 3/ 5 Gally pots & a parcel of Bottles 1/0.. 4..0
" A parcel of Wearing Cloaths £9 A Quilt for a Coat 30/10..10..0
" 2 Juggs 3/ 14 Yards Virginia Cloth a 2/9 p Yd. £1..18..62.. 1..6
" ¾ Yard Holland/ ¼ Yard Cambrick 2/60.. 5..6
" ½ Yard Irish Linnen 20d. 1½ Ells Princess Linnen0.. 3..4
" 1¼ Yard Bedtick 2/ 1 Yard Linsey Woolsey 1/30.. 3..3
" 2¼ Yards Chex 3/1½ d. 1 Yard of Holland 3/0.. 6..1½
" 3 Ells 7/8 Garlix 9/ 6 Ells & 4/5 of 7/8 Garlix 17/1..6..0
" 10½ Ells Sheeting 15/9d. 5 Yards of Ferreting 1/80..17..5
" 29 Ells Oznabs. 43/6 52 Yard brown Irish Linnen 37/44.. 0..10
" 13 Yards Callimanco a 1/6 ½ Yard tafety1.. 5..2
" 8 lb. Sugar ¾ d. 3½ lb White Sugar 4/4 ½ d.0.. 7..8½
" 1 Stone pot 2/ 1 earthen pot 1/ 2 pr. Shoes & a pr. Buckles 11/0..14..0
" ½ lb. Bohea Tea 5/6 a parcel of Stockings and a Pen knife 8/0..13..6
" 4 Yards of Virga. Cloth 8/ a Towell & a Remnant of Striped Holland 1/3 d.0.. 9..3
" 3 lb. Spun Cotton 9/ 19 lb Tallow 9/3d. 74 lb Soap 37/2..15..3
" 30 lb. of Lard 15/ a Chest and Butter pot 6/ 10 Sides Soal Leather 56/3..17..0
" 7 Sides of Leather 42/ 7 Skins 38/9 d. 11 Sides of Upper Leather £3..6/7.. 6..9
" A Silver Tankard weighing 3 lb. 3 oz. 9 dwt. a 6/8 d.12..16..4
" 4 oz. 8½ dwt. at 5/1.. 2..1½
To 7 dwt. 5 gr. of Gold1..16..0½
2 pair Silver Studs 3/ a Tenant Saw 5/ a Cross Cut Saw 5/0..13..0
A parcel of Sider Casks and a Powdering Tub3.. 0..0
2 Lancets 2/ 6400 Singles £2..4..9½2.. 6..9½
A parcel of Wooden Ware 9/ a Canoe 20/1.. 9..0
3 Butts of Sider with the Casks3..15..0
4 hhds of Sider and Casks3.. 0..0
3 hhds of Bunnell with the Casks1.. 2..6
A Bull1.. 5..0
10½ Barrells of Corn a 8/ p Barrell40..12..0
45 Bushells of Wheat a 3/ p Bushell6..15..0
4951 lb. of Tobacco a 14/ p. Ct.34..13..1½
Debts amounting to22..14..4
A pr. of Spoon Moulds0.. 7..6
5 Barrells of old Corn a 8/ p Barrel2.. 0..0
A Mare and Colt1..10..0

John Goodwin Exr.
Thos. Roberts
John Kerby
Edward Tabb

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: