In Obedience to Order from York County Court dated September the 21st 1747 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before James Quarles Gent one of his Majestys Justices for King William County met and appraised the Estate of Peter Goodwin decd. lying in the said County Vizt.

To a Young Stallion £5 3 Steers £5..5/ 7 Cows £9..2/£19.. 7..0
3 small Cattle 35/ 2 Calves 12/ 12 Hogs £4..4/6..11..0
1 Negro Man Named George £30 1 Do. Named Abraham £4373.. 0..0
To an unknown Quantity of Corn a 7/ p Barrel9..16..0
To 5 Bushels of Wheat a 2/6 p Bushell0..12..6
To 1640 lb. Tobo. at 14/ p Ct.11.. 9..6½
3 old Hoes 3/ 50 Gallons of Cider 16/8 d 1 Gallon of Brandy 4/1.. 3..8

November the 2d. 1747
Benj. Tuck
Jno. Whitehead
Robert Ellett

John Goodwin Exr.

Returned to York County Court the 18th day of July 1748 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.