An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Ann Jones decd.

To a Mare Colt 5/ a Pot and hooks 2/6£0.. 7..6
1 Iron Pestle & 1 Narrow Ax 2/6 a parcel of Old Pewter 5/0.. 7..6
1 old Spinning Wheel 2/6 2 Water Pales 3/0.. 5..6
1 old Table 1/3 1 old Box 1/60.. 2..9
1 doz. Glass Bottles 2/6 4 Dunghill Hens 2/60.. 5..0
1 Bed Bedstead Cord & Hide 10/ 1 old Cyder Cask 1/0..11..00
2 Cows 1 Young Steer 1 Calf & 1 Yearling4..16..0

Pursuant to an Order of York Court bearing Date May the 16th 1748 We the Subscribers have appraised the Estate of Ann Jones decd. as Witness our hands this 6th day of June 1748
Matt. Pierce
John Bryan
Matt. Shields

Returned to York County Court the 19th Day of September 1748 and Ordered
to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.