Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of John Mundell late of York County decd.

1 Cart 70/ 1 Do. 10/£4..0..0
1 Plough 15/ 2 pr. Iron Harness & Cart Saddle 15/1..10..0
10 Cows £15 3 Yearlings 37/616..17..6
1 old white Horse 20/ 1 Gray Horse £4
1 Sorrell Stallion8..12..0
12 Leather Chairs & 3 Cane Do.3..0..0
1 large Walnut Table 20/ 4 Tables 12/61..12..6
3 3/4 blue Cloth 1 ½ black with trimings for a Suit5..0..0
1 Wheel Barrow 2/6 45 lb old Iron at ld0..6..3
34 Bushels of Oats at 12d1..14..0
43 lb of Hopps at 15d2..13..9
1 Iron Pestle & Mortar 5/ a Peck 5/0..10..0
Churn & 3 Pails 7/6 Grindstone 4/0..11.6
a Set of Iron Boxs 6/ 2 Spades 1 Ax 7/60..13..6
A Copper Kettle 50/ 3 Iron Potts 20/3..10..0
Warming Pan 5/ Brass Skillett 2/60..7..6
Pair Stilyards 2 Bayonets & 2 Steels0..10..0
Spit Flesh fork & great Knife 4/ potrack 2/6
Looking Glass0..7..6
2 Beer Casks 5/ parcel old Casks and Tubbs 5/0..10..0
1 Feather bed with old Quilt & Yello. furniture bedstead Iron rods old Blanket6..0..0
small Canvas Bed & bloster & Bedstead1..0..0
1 old Bed & old Quilt and Bedstead1..10..0
1 other Do. with green Rug2..0..0
Portmantua Trunk 2/6 Saddle & Portmantua 2/60..5..0
Tin Milk pans 4/ Stone pot 15d0..5..3
25 lb old Pewter at 7d 14/7 brass stewpan 5/0..19..7
bottles 3/ old Candlesticks 2/6 500 Clapboards 25/ feet of framing stuff at £3 per M3..0..0
John Pritchard a White Servant8..0..0
Venus Negro Woman £40 Bess her Child 18 Fanny Do. £1068..0..0
Sarah a Woman20..0..0
pr. Pistols & Holster Caps 30/ Hanger 2/61..12..6
Duffel Coat 10/ Hatt 5/ parcel old Cloaths 15/1..10..0
Decanter 2/ parcel Wheat 5/ Safe 7/6 Chest 7/61..2..0
7118 lb Tobo. Sold at 13/948..18..8
12500 lb fodder at 2/ Sold12..10..0

James Shields

Henry Wetherbourn

Jos: Davenport

Returned unto York County Court the 21st day of August 1749 and Ordered to be Recorded.


Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: