An Inventory of the Estate of Mr. John Hansford decd. taken by the Subscriber the 15th of November 1750.

One Negro Man Named Peter One Do. Named Guy One Do. Named Toby One Do. Named Locust One Do. Named Jubbey One Negro Woman Named Bess One Do. Named Sue, One Do. Named Sibbey, One Do. Named Lettice, One Do. Named Phillis, One Negro Boy Named Harry, One Do Named Cupid One Do. Named Bristor One Do. Named Edmund One Do. Named Cuffee One Do. Named Brandy One Negro Girl Named Phebe One Do. Named Chloe. Cash about £4 One Watch. 30 Head of Cattle 12 Head of Hoggs, one Horse and Saddle 5 hhds Tobacco, One pair of hand Mill Stones, one Cart and Wheels, A parcel of Iron Ware Vizt. Hoes Axes Wedges an Iron Pestle and Spitt, 5 feather Beds and furniture, and some table Linnen, 4 Tables & 1 fourm 12 Chairs and one Chest One Desk, A parcel of Pewter Vizt. Dishes Plates Basons and Spoons, 5 Iron Pots 2 pair of Pothooks, 2 Racks and one brass Kettle, Liquors Vizt. Rum Wine Beer &c Punch Bowls Measures and a Parcel of Bottles, and some old Casks 2 Whip Saws One Cross cut Do. and 2 hand Saws and some Coopers Tools 2 pair Stilyards, One pair large Scales and Weights and one pair Money Scales, 3 Brass Candlesticks, 2 Looking Glasses & some drinking Do. One Bottle Case and 6 Bottles 2 pair Spoon Moulds A spice Morter, 2 Box Irons & Heaters and pair fire tongs & Shovel 4 Bedsteads

William Hansford Exr.

Returned into York County Court the 19th Day of November 1750 and Ordered to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.