An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Mrs. Ann Allen decd. made Pursuant to the Will of the said Decedent by the Subscribers the 28th of March 1751.

A Negro Man called Young Ned A Negro Man called Bob. A Negro Man called Toney. A Negro Man called Sam A Negro Man called Peter. A Negro Woman called Young Judy A Negro Woman called Betty A Negro Woman called old Sarah A Negro Woman called old Judy A Negro Man called old Jemmy A Negro Man called Quash A Negro Lad called Jeffery A Negro boy called Dick A Negro boy called Frank A Negro boy called Sawney A Negro boy called Tom A Negro boy called Lewey A Negro boy called Phill A Negro boy called Jimmy A Negro Girl called Lucy A Negro Girl called Grace A Negro Girl called Little Sarah A Negro Girl caled Moll A Negro boy called Ben A Negro Boy called Jack A Negro Boy Called Anthony. One Copper Still &c. One Grey Mare 1 Side Saddle and furniture 2 Cows & 8 Sheep. The above Slaves and Personal Estate were bequeathed Specifically by the Testatrix.

18 Leather Chairs at 6/. each£5.. 8..
4 Large Chests No. 1. 2. 3. 4. at 7/6 each1..10..
1 Do. No. 5 at 7/. 1 Do. No. 6 at 8/. Do. No. 7 at 6/6.1.. 1..6
1 Do. No. 8 at 6/. 1 small old Do. No. 9 at 2/.0.. 8..
2 large Box's 4/. 1 large Oval Table 12/6.0..16..6
1 small Oval Table 9/. 5 flag Chairs 5/. 1 Square Table 1/3.0..15..3
1 Looking Glass 7/6. 1 brass Candlestick 2/.0.. 9..6
2 Do. with Slepers 3/. 1 Seal Skin Trunk 12/.0..15..
A Parcel of small Stone Glass & Earthen Ware0..12..
1 Wheat Sive 5/. one ½ bushell 2/. 7 Stone Juggs 8/. 2 do. pots 3/8.0..18..8
Some old Tin Ware 2/. 1 doz: hard Metal Plates 26/.1.. 8..
1 Doz: Do. 20/. 1 ½ doz: old Soup Plates 18/ four Do. 3/.2.. 1..
10 old flat Plates 6/8d 2 new hard Metal Dishes 10/.0..16..8
4 large deep dishes 23/10d. 5 small Do. 22/.2.. 5..10
1 old Do. 2/. 5 small Do. 13/9 3 smaller Do. 8/1.. 3..9
3 smaller Do. 6/. 1 old flatt Dish 1/6 4 Porringers 4/.0..11..6
1 Pewter Gallon Pot 9/60.. 9..6
2 Silver Spoons wt. 4 oz. 2½ dwt 6/. per oz. 24/9. 8 Pewter Do. 1/.1.. 5..9
1 pr Money Scales 2/6. 1 Spice Morter & Pestle 7/.0.. 9..6
3 Iron Wedges 6/. 1 Box Iron & Heaters 9/6.0..15..6
1 pr firetongs & trivet 2/. 1 frying pan 2/6. Sheep Sheers 1/30.. 5..9
1 Bed Bolster 2 Pillows & Cord in the low Bedstead 4.. 0..
1 New Blue Rug 26/. 1 pr. 3/4 blankets 12/6.1..18..6
1 Bed Bolster 2 Pillows & Cord 60/ 1 Green Rug 26/.4.. 6..
1 pr. blankets 20/. 1 Underbed & bolster bro: Linnen tick 30/.2..10..
1 old Bed Bolster & 2 Pillows 36/. 1 Do. 40/.3..16..
1 Red rug 25/. 1 pr. old blankets 13/. 1 Suit of Curtains Vallens 30/. 1 high Bedstead and Cord 10/3..18..
1 old Bed Bolster & 2 Pillows1..16..
1 pair old Blankets 10/. 1 white Yarnsett rug 10/.1.. ..
1 old Bedstead and Cord 5/. 1 old Bed Bolster & 2 Pillows 50/.2..15..
1 old blue Rug 15/. 1 pr. 3/4 blankets 12/.1.. 7..
1 good Under bed 30/. 1 old Bedstead & Cord 3/.1..13..
10 Sides of Upper Leather 40/. 1 large Skin 7/.2.. 7..
2 small Do. 1/3d 1700 8d Nails 11/. 3500 6d Do. 17/61.. 9..9
100 lb of old Iron 8/4d 17 lb of Pickt Cotton 17/.1.. 5..4
20 lb Do. Spun 40/. 1 pr. small Sheers & Horse fleams 1/82.. 1..8
1 Currying Knife & Steel 9/. Shoemakers tools 5/.0..14..
1 old broad Ax and other Carpenters tools0.. 9..
3 old Narrow Ax's 3/. 1 Searse 1/. 16 Sides Sole Leather 56/.3.. ..
1 old Horse called Phenix1.. ..
14 old Cider Cask 21/. about 2 bushells of Salt 4/.1.. 5..
2 Ox Chains 8/. 3 Yokes with Rings &c 7/60..15..6
1 Cart and Wheels 40/. 4 lb Tallow 2/ 3½ lb bees Wax 2/62.. 4..6
1 old small Copper Kettle 6/. 1 old Do. large 35/.2.. 1..
a Parcel of Wooden Ware 7/. 1 Iron Pot & hooks 8/0..15..
1 old Do. with old Hooks 2/. 1 Large Potrack 6/0.. 8..
1 old small Iron Pot with old hooks0.. 3..
2 Powdering Tubs & 2 fat Do. 6/. 1 pr. Marking Irons 1/.0.. 7..
4 New Hoes (besides those the people used in making the Crop)0..12..
5 1/8 Ells double Garlix 19/. 1 Ell Do. 4/. 2 3/8 yds. Cambrick 23/92.. 6..9
3 Raw hides & 1 Skin 14/. 4 Ells of Princess Linnen 5/.0..19..
1 old Spinning Wheel 2 pr. Cards 4/. some Lead Weights 1/.0.. 5..
1 Case Knives & forks 4/. 3 pr. Sheets No. 1 to 6 30/1..14..
½ lb bro: thread 16 d 7 Towells 3/6 7 old Diaper Napkins 3/.0.. 7..10
3 Pillow Cases Sheeting Holland 4/. 5 Do. Princess Linnen 3/4d0.. 7..4
1 pr. Princess Linnen Sheets 14/. 3 old fine holland Do. 30/.2.. 4..
1 pr. Cotton Sheets 20/. 3 old bro: linnen Do. 8/.1.. 8..
2 old Princess Linnen Table Cloths 2/. 1 Diaper Do. 5/.0.. 7..
2 old Brown Do. 1/. 2 old Callico Counterpanes 10/.0..11..
1 doz: bottles 2/. 1 old Sythe with furniture 1/60.. 3..
A Parcel of old Reap hooks 1/. 5 bushells of Wheat 20/ 1.. 1..
Cash in the House22..12..
Money in the hands of Messe. Hunt & Waterman as by their Account Sales bearing Date 18th Sepr. 1750 £24..3..1
Advance on Do. at 25 per Ct. 6..0..9¼
30.. 3..10½
4 hhds. Tobo. sent to Mr. Athawes for which no Accot. is as yet come to hand

Articles which occured since the above date as follows Vizt.

Goods Imported in the Elizabeth Capt. Purden since the decease of the Testatrix as per Invoice bearing date 30th March 1751
a mount to £23..11..3 Sterl:
50 per Ct. advance on Do. 11..15..7½
35.. 6..10½
Money in England in the hands Mr. John Maynard as by his account Current bearing date 8th of June 1751 £31.. 8..5
25 per Ct. advance on Do. 7..17..1¼
39.. 5..6¼
The Crop of Tobo left in the House after deducting the Levies for the Year 1750 and Mr. Everards fee for recording Carvers Bond and Bill of Sale is 4453 sold to Mr. Norton & Co. at 18/. per Cent Amounts to40.. 1..6¼
Cash for Do.0..15..
[Summa Totalis £254.. 3..1½

Hudson Allen
William Allen

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of January 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: