Pursuant to an Order of York Court We have Appraised the Estate of Ellyson Armistead decd. the 2d of March 1758.

1 Grey Horse £6 1 Black Horse £2£8.. -..-
8 Barrows & Spaid Sows £4 12 Shoats £37.. -..-
7 Sows & 30 Pigs5..10..-
26 old Cattle £26 6 year old Do. £1..10/27..10..-
60 Barrels of Corn at 6/18.. -..-
15 old Hoes 15/ 5 old Axes 10/1.. 5..-
2 old Grubbing Hoes 4/ 2 Iron Wedges 1 Iron Pestle 5/0.. 9..-
4 Harrow Teeth 5/ 1 hand saw 12/0..17..-
1 Iron Pot & 1 Pan 2/6 1 Ginding Stone 2/6 1 old Bed 20/1.. 5..-
1 Negro Fellow30.. -..-
3 old Meal bags 4/ 1 old Cart and Wheels 5/0.. 9..-
2860 lb. Tobo. a 20/28..12..-

Lewis Burwell Exr.

Peter Eppes
John Hamlin
Nathl. Rains

Returned into York County Court the 21st day of August 1758 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: