In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing Date the 15th day of July 1571 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and Appraised the Slaves and Personal Estate of Walter Chapman decd. in Current Money in manner following to wit

2 Yoke of Steer £9..10/ 1 Steer & 14 Cows £19..10/£29.. 0..0
1 Bull & 4 Yearlings £3 2 dishes and 6 Plates 13/3..13..0
1 Carbine Pistols & Holsters 45/ 1 Looking Glass 5/2..10..0
1 small Silver Tankard £5 1 small writing Desk 25/6.. 5..0
1 large full Bible 10/ 1 hhd Tobo. wt. a 17/ per ct. £7..17..78.. 7..7
1 Iron Pot & Rack 1 frying Pan 15/ 1 Silver Watch £66..15..0
1 Negro Man called Tom £35 1 Negro Man called Dick £3065.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman called Patt £40 1 Negro Woman called Judy £4080.. 0..0
1 Negro Boy called Michael £22 1 Negro Boy called Paul £7..10/29..10..0
1 Horse and Saddle Bridle and Housing5..15..0
1 Cart and Wheels 30/ 1 Prayer Book 2/6 1 small Chest 8/2.. 0..6
Cash in the House £28 1 Bed & furniture £432.. 0..0
1 small stone Jugg0.. 0..7½

Seymour Powell Senr.
John Tenham
Edwd. Moss

Returned into York County Court the 19th day of August 1751 and was ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: