In Obedience to an Order of York Court dated August the 18th 1755 We the Persons mentioned in the Order Edward Moss Henry Howard and John Tenham being Sworn have mett and Appraised the Estate of Mr. John Chisman decd. as followeth Vizt.

1 Yoke Steers £5 4 Steers £6 10/, 7 Cows £10 10/ £27..0..0
10 Cows £12 10/, 8 Young Cattle £6 2 Bulls & 4 Calves £321..10..0
25 Sheep £8 15/, 2 Sows & 8 Shoats £3 5/12.. 0..0
3 Barrows 2 Sows & 10 Piggs £3 11/, 1 chair Harness & 2 Horses £1518..11..0
1 Negro Man Ben £50 1 Negro Boy Ben £4090.. 0..0
Tom £40 Jack £37 10/77..10..0
Lucy a Wench & Child £50 Phillis a Wench £3080.. 0..0
America a Boy £10 Sam a Fellow £818.. 0..0
Sarah a Wench £10 Betty a Wench £2838.. 0..0
Polly a Girl £30 Candice a Girl £1848.. 0..0
Dick a Boy £15 1 Bed & furniture £4 10/19..10..0
1 Bed & furniture £6 3 new Cotton Sheets £2 5/8.. 5..0
2 Chests 4 Trunks & Table 33/, 1 pr. Pistols Holsters Carbine & belt 40/3..13..0
1 Bed & furniture £4 10/, 1 Do. £4 5/8..15..0
1 Chest Drawers £6, 1 Corner Cupboard 25/ 1 Desk 40/9.. 5..0
2 Tables & 12 Chairs £6 1 Looking Glass 20/67.. 0..6
6 flag Chairs & 1 pr. Iron Dogs 25/, A parcel China & Earthen Ware 10/1..15..0
6 Silver Spoons £4 15/, a Parcel small books 18/5..13..0
A parcel old hoes & Axes 25/, 1 sett Wedges & some old Iron 13/1..18..0
1 pair Steelyards Mouse trap and Grid Iron0..15..0
5 Pot hooks 2 Racks 2 Spits & Frying Pan 2..16..3
A Parcel old Lumber0..13..0
1 pair tongs & Shovel flesh fork Ladle & Sheep shears0.. 5..0
1 Cart 2 Yokes & 1 Chain1..10..0
A Parcel old Cask & Ladder 20/, a Parcel old Baskets 2/61.. 2..6
1 Saddle Bridle Collar Hames & Cart Saddle1.. 2..6
12 Plates 6 Dishes 40/, a Parcel old Pewter 30/ 3..10..0
1 Bason Pint Pot & Porrenger 5/, a Parcel Earthen Ware 5/90..10..9
1 Safe & 2 Tables 20/, a Parcel of Butter Pots 21/62.. 1..6
2 Sifters & 1 Meal bag 7/6, 84 lb. Soap 42/ 2.. 9..6
1 Chest Box Iron Heators & 2 Cheese hoops0.. 7..0
6 Sider Casks 1 Pipe & Barrel 1..10..0
1 Pair Silver Shoe & knee buckles & Clasp1..12..0
2 pr. Scales Weights & Riddle 14/, 1 small Glass & 3 brushes 2/0..17..[0]
1 Vinegar Cruit Pepper Box & Salt cellar0.. 2..0
2 Razors Corkscrew Lancet Candlesticks Dial & Gimlets0.. 5..0
2 Skins 8/, a Parcel Table Linnen 10/0..18..0
1 Candlebox & 9 Canisters 2/6, 52 Quart bottles 10/ s.0..12..6
1 large Drum Line 3/, 2 Spinning Wheels & some old Cards 13/£0..16..0
A Parcel Lumber 27/3, 1 Sword 20/, 1 old Chest Drawers 10/ 2..17..3
11 Bushels Pease 27/6, 51 Barrels Corn at 9/, p Barrel £22 19/24.. 6..6
4300 Bundles fodder at 2/, p hundred4.. 6..0
3 Bushels Wheat 10/6, 1 Bed Cord 1/30..11..9
4 Stacks Tops & some Husks 43/, 3 hhds Sider & some Apples £3..12..65..15..6
14 Sides of Leather £3 10/, Cash £12 15/16.. 5..0

Edward Moss
Henry Howard
John Tenham

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of December 1755 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.