Pursuant to an Order of York County Court dated the 19th. day of May 1755 We the Subscribers first being Sworn before Daniel Moore Gentleman one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the Said County have appraised the Estate of Thomas Dring decd. and made due Inventory thereof as followeth.

To 111 lb Bacon at 5 d. per Pound 46/3 d. 19 lb feathers 19/£3.. 5..3
2 fat Pots with 24 lb of fat 13/. 6 Chairs 3/.0..16..0
8 Barrels of Corn at 8/. per barrel £3..4/. 1 Chest 1/63.. 5..6
2 Tables 3/. 2 bushells Salt 4/. 2 Casks 2/60.. 9..6
5 Wedges 10/. 1 Sword 4/. Wooden Ware 6/.1.. 0..0
16 Bottles &c. 3/. 1 Spinning Wheel 1/3 Iron Work 16/.1.. 0..3
A Parcel of Pewter 22/. A Parcel of Earthen Ware 1/61.. 3..6
A Box Iron & Heators 5/. A Parcel of tin Ware & some old Lumber 3/6.0.. 8..6
A Chest and Wearing Cloaths 21/6 An Iron Pot & hooks 5/1.. 6..6
2 Narrow Axes 5/6. 1¼ lb of Wool 11¼ d. 8 lb Cotton 10/.0..16..5¼
3 Cows and Calves and one Yearling4.. 5..0
7 Shoats 17/6. A Parcel of Hogs 50/.3.. 7..6
1 Yoke of Steers £4 2 Sows & Pigs & 9 Shoats 36/.5..16..0
1 Mare and Colt and Saddle3.. ..
2 Cows & 2 Yearlings £3..10/. 4 Heifers £4.. 2 Steers & 1 Cow £3..15/.11.. 5..0
2 Buck Skins 15/. 1 Gun 15/. 2 Juggs 1/3 d.1..11..3
1 Pot Pothooks & Sifter 5/. 1 Bed £3..3.. 5..0
1 Harrow brake Harrow Hoes & Weeding Hoes0.. 7..6
2 Ropes 1 Basket & horse Collar0.. 1..3
649 lb tobo. at 12/6 per hundred4.. 1..1

Thomas Presson
Thos. Tomer
John Richardson

Returned into York County Court the 16th. day of June 1755 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: