In Obedience to an Order of York County Court dated the 18th day of May 1752 We the Subscribers whose Names are underwritten have mett and being first Sworn before George Gilmer Gent one of the Justices of this County have Appraised the Personal Estate of Thos. Driver decd. in Current Money as follows Vizt.

9 Cows and 3 Calves a 35/£15..15..0
3 Heifers and 1 Bull 20/4.. 0..0
3 Year old Heifers 10/1..10..0
Carrd. over 21.. 5..0
Brot over£25.. 5..0
1 Grey Horse £3 3 Barrows 3 Sows & 4 Shoats £2 18/5..18..0
1 Bed & furniture £2 15/, 1 Bed & Do. £2 15/5..10..0
1 pair Cotton Sheets 20/, 2 Linnen and 1 Cotton Do. 5/1.. 5..0
2 Table Cloths 2/, 4 Towells 2/, ½ doz. Soop Plates 9/0..13..0
½ doz. flatt Plates 7/6, 3 Soop Dishes 12/, 2 flatt Do. 7/61.. 7..0
3 Pottle Basons 7/6, 2 Porringers 1/10½ d. 25 Spoons 4/20..13..6½
3 Stone Muggs 2/2 d. 1 Flour Box & 1 Pepper Do. 9 d.0..2..11
1 small Looking Glass 1/, 1 pair Money Scales 5/0.. 6..0
1 pr. flatt Irons 2/6 1 white wash Bason 7½ d.0.. 3..1½
2 Earthen Milk Pans 4 d. 3 Butter potts 10/60..10..10
1 Cream Pot 2/6, 2 Iron Pots 3 pr. Pothooks & 2 Pot Racks 18/61.. 1..0
2 Iron Pestles & 1 pair Tongs 5/, 1 frying Pan 4/0.. 9..0
3 Iron Wedges 7/6, 1 Spit 2/60..10..0
1 Spinning Wheel 3 pr. Cards & 1 Iron Spindle0.. 5..0
6 Milk Trays 1/, 2 bread Do. 1/, 2 Hair Sives 1/60.. 3..6
2 Tubs 2 Piggins & 1 Pail 8/, 18½ lb. old Iron 1/6½0.. 9..6½
1 Gun 16/, 1 Iron Candle Stick 6 d.0..16..6
2 old Tubs 3/, 1 Cow Bell & Strop 2/60.. 5..6
5 old Knives and 4 forks0.. 1..3
1 Meal Bag 2/, 1 old Iron Pott & some fatt 1/3 d.0.. 3..3
1 Tobacco Box 7½ d. & 21 Bottles 3/0.. 3..7½
A Parcel of old Lumber 1/3, 4 old Chests 10/, 1½ Peck Salt 11d.0..12..2
A Parcel of Hominy Beans 7½ d. 1 old Jug & a Hominy Sive 9 d.0.. 1..4½
3 old Baskets & 4 old Reap hooks 3/4 d. 1 Stone Pot & some hogs lard 4/10 d.0.. 8..2
5 lb. Spinning Cotton 6/3 d. 1 old Table & a Parcel of old Stools 1/10½ d.0.. 8..1½
189 lb. Bacon a 5 d. £3..18..9 7 lb. Tallow 3/6, 1 Cow hide 3/4.. 5..3
9 Dunghill Fowls 4/6, 3 Barrels & 4 Bushels Corn 34/2 d.1..18..8
1 old Saddle & Bridle 5/, 1 Broad hoe 3/0.. 8..0
2 old Razors & a Hone 3/, 1 old Lie Tub 7½ d.0.. 3..7½
£60.. 6..2½

John Lister his mark
William Moody
John Hyde

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of July 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thomas Everard Cl. Cur.