In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date the 21st day of May 1759 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised the Estate of John Goodwin decd. as followeth.

1 Bed & Bolster 50/ 1 Do. 45/ 1 Do. 45/ 1 Do. 25/ 1 Do. 25/£9..10..-
4 Ruggs 25/ 7 Cotton Sheets £3..5/ 5 Bedsteads 20/5..10..-
3 Diaper Table Cloths 22/ 5 Napkins 2/6 3 Sq: Pine Tables 12/61..17..-
1 Spinning Wheel 5/ 14 Leather Chairs £3..10/3..14..-
4 flag'd Chairs 4/ 1 Bofett 40/ 12 Earthen Plates 6/2..10..-
11 oz old Silver 55/ 2 Glass Tumblers and a Teapot 2/2..17..-
4 old Chests 15/ 15 Cows at 26/ £19..10/20.. 5..-
7 Heifers £6..2..6 4 Draft Steers £1016.. 2..6
2 Steers £3 5 Young Steers £3..15/ 2 Yearlings 20/7..15..-
3 Calves 15/ 38 Sheep £11..8/ 14 Hoggs £5..5/17.. 8..-
16 Shoats £3..4/ 1 blaze faced Sorrell Horse 20/4.. 4..-
1 Grey Mare 50/ 1 Grey Horse £6 12 old Tubs & Pails & Piggins 6/8..16..-
5 Earthen & Stone Pots & 2 Juggs 12/ 1 Bread Tray 1/30..13..3
5 Iron Pots & hooks 15/ 3 Potracks 15/1..10..-
1 Spitt 5/ 4 Wooden Trays & 2 Bowls 3/ 1 Spice Morter & Pestle 2/60..10..6
20 Pewter Plates 16/8d 4 old Dishes 5/ 1 Bell Metal Skillet 20/2.. 1..8
1 frying Pan 2/ 4 Iron Wedges 4/ 1 handsaw 5/0..11..-
1 Froe & an Adz 1/3 1 pr. Steelyards 2/6 1 pr. Tongs 1/0.. 4..9
1 broad Ax & 2 Narrow Axes 6/ 1 Whipsaw 15/1.. 1..-
378 feet Feather Edge Plank 15/ 19 old Tubs & Casks 19/1..14..-
1 Cart 2 Yokes and Chain 35/ 1 hand Mill 20/2..15..-
1 Negro Man Tom £5 1 Negro Man Harry £5055.. -..-
1 Do. Mingo £60 1 Do. Jack £60120.. -..-
1 Negro Boy Bob £50 1 Negro boy Ben £50100.. -..-
1 Do. Charles £45 1 Do. Plepney £4590.. -..-
1 Do. David £40 1 Do. Paul £4080.. -..-
1 Do. Phill £35 1 Do. Moody £3065.. -..-
1 Do. Casar £35 1 Do. Aaron £1550.. -..-
1 Do. Lemon £15 1 Negro Woman Moll £1025.. -..-
1 Negro Woman Patty £30 1 Do. Doll £3060.. -..-
1 Do. Hannah £30 1 Do. Judith 4574.. -..-
1 Do. Lettice 45 1 Do. Cate & her Child 5095.. -..-
1 Do. Jenny 50 1 Girl Franky 10 60.. -..-
1 Do. Delphia 35 1 Do. Hester 3065.. -..-
1 Do. Candice 30 1 Do. Rachel 3060.. -..-
1 Girl Dinah 25 1 Do. Sarah 2045.. -..-
1 hhd. Tobo. at York Warehouse 1007 lb. at 30/15.. 2..1
Bonds Notes of Hand and Accounts434.. 8..11

John Cary
John Tenham
William Powell

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of August 1759 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: