Appraisment of the Estate of Ephriam Goosley decd.

1 Bed Bolster & Pillow blanket & Sacking bottom bedstead £4..10..
1 New Bed old bolster & Blanket3..10..
1 Bed Bolster Bedstead and Cord2..15..
2 pr. Coarse Sheets 35/. 1 pr. fine Sheets 26/3.. 1..
2 Pillow Cases 2/6 1 Bed Quilt 20/.1.. 2..6
2 Rugs 45/. 1 Pine Table 1/3d. 1 Corner Cupboard 22/63.. 8..9
1 Black Walnut Table 27/6 1 large Do. 37/63.. 5..
1 Mahogony Tea Chest 35/. 1 Desk 80/5..15..
1 Looking Glass 65/. 6 black Walnut Chairs 7/63..12..6
5 Table Cloths 25/. 1 Red & White Cow & Calf 35/.3.. ..
1 black Heifer 26/ 1 Black & White Cow & Calf 35/3.. 1..
1 Chair & Harness £20. 1 Cask & Chest 2/620.. 2..6
1 Close Stool Chair & Pan 30/. 6 Ivory Knives and forks 12/.2.. 2..
4¼ lb brown Thread 10/7½ Thread and Cotton Laces 7/60..18..1½
½ doz: Bone Knives and forks 7/6 4 doz: Gilt Buttons 5/0..12..6
9 Razors 5/6 14 pr. Scissors 7/6. Needles 4/0..17..0
5½ doz: brass Rings 5/. 28 Stone Rings 12/60..17..6
3 Mourning Rings 20/. 4 Penknives 5/1.. 5..
2 doz: pair Sleave Buttons 15/. 4 Tooth Pickers 2/.0..17..
2 Remnants Duffel 5/. 1 Chest 7/6. 1 Silver Watch £6..5/.6..17..6
6 Table Spoons (new) 12 pz. 2 d wt. @ 7/6 oz4..10..9
2 Table Spoons 6 Tea Spoons & Tongs 6 oz. 19 d wt. 7/2.. 8..7
1 Silver Lancet Case and 2 Lancets0.. 7..6
1 Case with 4 Lancets 4/. 1 Case with 6 Razors & 1 Marking Iron 7/60..11..6
2 pr. Money Scales 12/6. 1 pr. Pistols & Holsters 52/.3.. 4..6
2 doz: flatt Plates 52/. 1 doz: Soup Do. 27/63..19..6
1 Large Dish 10/. 3 flatt Do. 20/1..10..
1 small Soup Dish 4/. 2 Basons 4/. 2 Porringers 2/60..10..6
2 Tea Pots 1 China Bowl 2 China Dishes 4 Cups & Saucers 8 Glasses
& Sundry Crockry 2 Earthen Fruit Baskets 1 Decanter
6 Earthen Plates 3/. 5 Basons & 5 Bowls 8/.0..11..
1 Coffee Mill 2 Waiters & 5 Patty pans0.. 6..
2 Guns 52/. 1 Spy Glass 12/6. 1 Bread toaster 4/.3.. 8..6
3 Brass Candlesticks Snuffers and Stand0..10..
1 Case with 14 Bottles 26/. 2 Sugar Canisters & 2 Funnells 5/1..11..
Sundry old Pewter 20/. 1 Brass Shovel 7/61.. 7..6
1 pair Dogs 1 pr. Bellows 1 pr. flatt Irons0..15..
5 Bottles Sweet Oyl 10/. 2 blank Books 7/60..17..6
Sundry old Books 12/6. sundry old Knives and forks 2/60..15..
1 Iron Ring iwth hooks 10/. 1 Brass dish stand 2/60..12..6
1 Chest 4/. 5 Carboys 20/. 2 doz: milk Pans 12/61..16..6
2 Jugs & Water Pitchers & Stone Pot Muggs0.. 5..
1 large Copper Kettle £5..10/. 1 smaller Do. £2..7..10..
1 Set Curtains Teaster and Rods1.. ..
1 New Bedstead with Screws 15/. 1 older Do. with Screws 12/61.. 7..6
13 Bed Cords & some Shoe thread 17/6. 1 Cullender & Lanthorn 2/0..19..6
1 Qt. Pot. 1 Pt. Do. 1½ pint Do. 1 Morter & Pestle0..12..6
2 Tea Kettles & Coffee Pot 15/. 2 Trivets 3/. 1 large Iron Table 5/.1.. 3..
2 Tubs 2 Piggins 2 Plates 7/6. 1 Copper Sauce Pan 1/.0.. 8..6
1 small Sauce Pan & Bell Metal Skillet0.. 5..
7 doz: Quart Bottles & Tubb 20/. 1 Grindstone 15/.1..15..
1 Wood Saw & Horse 10/. 5 Powdering -tubs 10/1.. ..
½ Cask Crucible 60/. 2 Hogs 12/6. 1 Gridle 5/3..17..6
4 Spits 2 Pots & Hooks 2 Racks & pr. tongs1..15..
1 Skimmer Ladle and Flesh fork0.. 7..6
1 Sifting Tray 7/6. 1 half Bushell & small hoe 2/0.. 9..6
1 Table 3/. 1 Mans Saddle & Housing 12/60..15..6
1 Ship Screw 60/. 1 doz: Narrow Hoe 36/4..16..
5 Garden Hoes & 2 Hatchets 9/. 4 Grubbing Hoes 10/0..19..
21 Narrow Axes 80/. 5 broad Axes 20/5.. ..
3 Setts Harrow Hoes 32/. 2 Wood Saws 12/2.. 4..
1 Screw Plate 26/. 1 pr. Steelyards 4/. 1 pr. Scales & Weights 5/.1..15..
1 large Gun 10/. 6 Wedges 10/. Clamps &c 10/. 1..10..
5 Ox Chains 30/. 3 Hammers 2 Sledges 15/2.. 5..
2 Anvils & Blocks & Materials £5. 2 pr. Bellows £510.. ..
3 Bench Vices 60/. 1 Turning Lath 20/4.. ..
13 Ct. Bar Iron @ 24/. per Ct.15..12..
1 Desk & sundries with inside 2 Cock Saws Chair Buckles
Brass Stirups 2 Hones Knitting Needles & Sundry files
3.. ..
1 Garden Pot 3/. Sundry tools remaining & Lumber £5..5.. 3..
1 White Servant Man (Singleton)20.. ..
1 Do. (Moseley)10.. ..
1 Do. (Chapman)5.. ..
1 White Horse £3.. 2 Grey Horses £5..10/.8..10..
302 Bushels of Coals at 1/15.. 2..
1 Bay mare2..10..

IN OBEDIENCE to an Order of York Court to us directed bearing Date the 18th. May 1752 We have Appraised in Current Money the Estate of Ephraim Goosley decd. agreeable to the fore going Schedule

John Gibbons
Thomas Archer
James Mitchell

Returned into York County Court the 20th. day of November 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: