An Inventory of Goods and Wearing Apparel of the late Richard Harrison decd.

A Bay Horse £5..7..6 A Saddle & Housing 20/ a pr. Leather Bags 10/£6..17..6
1 Desk & Book Case £12 1 Walnut Desk £3 1 Oak Do. 15/15..15..0
1 Silver Watch £5..7..6 1 West India Pilot Book 1 Coasting Do. 25/6..12..6
1 pr. Boots 10/, 1 pair Leather Spatter Dashers 5/0..15..0
1 Sagathy Coat Mixt 15/, 1 Do. Grey 20/, 1 Black Coat 20/2..15..0
1 Dark Ferrest Cloth 30/ 1 Frize Do. 2/6, 1 Light Grey Sagathy 10/2.. 2..6
1 Crape 20/, 1 Drab Cloth 7/6, 1 old Beaver Coating 10/1..17..6
1 old Ferrest Cloth 10/, 1 Fustian 10/ 1 Tartan Banyan 5/1.. 5..0
3 Strip't Holland 12/6, 1 Scarlet Waistcoat 5/0..17..6
1 Light Grey 20/, 1 Blue Do. 5/, 1 Grandurella Do. 5/1..10..0
1 Bumbazeen & 1 black 15/, 1 pr. Scarlet Breeches 2/60..17..6
1 pr. Crape Breeches 5/, 1 pr. Serged 'nim 2/6 1 pr. Ferrest Clo. 10/0..17..6
1 pr. black Cloth 2/6, 1 pr. Dark & 2 pr. black Do. 5/0.. 7..6
1 Bed & furniture £4 12 pr. Worsted Stockins 20/ 7 pr. thread Do. 10/65..10..6
1 Velvet Cap 5/, 1 ps. Irish Linnen 21½ Yds. at 3/9 £5..7..65..12..6
1 Strip't Holland Waistcoat 1 Diaper Do.0..10..0
1 Rib'd Dimothy 3 Holland & 2 Browns1.. 0..0
3 pair Draws 6/, 2 pair Fustian Breeches 2/60.. 8..6
1 pair Chex Boots 1/3 3 pair Gloves 2 Worsted Caps 5/0.. 6..3
7 pair New Shoes £2 16/, 11 Night Caps 2/2..18..0
9 Stocks and 5 Neck Cloths0.. 4..0
3 Hanker. 2/6 1 New Wigg 15/, 2 old Do. 5/1.. 2..6
3 Chex Shirts 5/, 3 old Ruffled 3/90.. 8..9
7 Good Plain Do. £3 10/, 6 old bad Do. 7/63..17..6
1 Great Coat 10/, 1 Silk Purse 3/90..13..9
1 Silver Stock Buckle 5/ 3 pair Silver Buttons 5/0..10..0
3 pr. Buckles 2/, 1 Tea Chest 4/6, 1 old Chest 1/30.. 7..9
3 Bibles 7/6, 1 Latin & Greek Testament 2/60..10..0
Euclids Elements 1/3 1 Comon Flute & 1 German Do. 2/60.. 3..9
1 Set Waistcoat Buttons0.. 1..0

York County ss
In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of this County bearing Date the 17th day of August 1752 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have met and Appraised the Estate of Richard Harrison decd. and do make return thereof

Edmund Tabb
Jacob Wray
Francis Jerdone

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of January 1753 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.