An Inventory and Appraisment of the Estate of Henry Howard decd.

2 Beds & furniture £8 3 Chests 2 Tables 4 Chairs 28/£9.. 8..
1 Gun & some Pewter 45/ 1 Warming Pan 1 Womans Saddle & 1 Mans Do. £3..15.. 6..
6 Quarter Casks & a Parcel of Lumber1..15..
2 Iron Pots a pair fire tongs and Shovel and 1 frying Pan0..10..6
2 Spits 1 pair Iron Dogs 2 Box Irons & Heaters1.. 6..
1 Looking Glass & Branding Iron and a Parcel of Cotton1.. 0..6
1 Table Cloth 2 Towells 1 Iron Pestle & 1 Fluke hoe0..10..6
1 Horse £3 1 Do. £4 1 Mare 26/8.. 6..
1 Negro Child Jane £10 1 Negro Woman Moll £3848.. ..
£76.. 2..6

Pursuant to an Order of York County Court Dated the 19th day of February 1753 We the Subscribers have mett and Appraised the Estate of Henry Howard decd. and find the said Estate to be Value of Twenty six Pounds two Shillings and six Pence in Current Money Given under our hands this 26th day of February 1753.

John Whitby
Manuel Spencer
Saml. Allen

Returned into York County Court the 19th day of March 1753 and ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: