In Obedience to an Order of York Court Dated the 20th day of March 1758 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Robert Sheild Gent one of His Majestys Justices of the Peace of the said County have Appraised the Estate of Anthony Lamb decd. as follows.

1 Gun and Cartooch box £1.. 2..6
2 pr. of Cotton Cards 3/6 a Parcel of Books 2/60.. 6..0
A Parcel of Pewter1.. 6..0
Box Iron and Heaters Teapot Looking Glass &c0..10..0
1 Jugg Fire tongs and Skillet0.. 8..6
2 Pots of Lard 15/, 1 Grindstone & Searce 1/30..16..3
Tallow & Bees Wax 2/9 d. 3 lb. Spun Cotton 11/30..14..0
930 10 d. Nails 7/5, 3 lb. Pickt Cotton & 3 lb. Unpickt Cotton 4/90..12..2
1 Bed & furniture £5 1 Do. £3 1 Do. £4 10/12..10..0
1 pr. of old Sheets & Table Linnen 9/, 1 Spinning Wheel 7/0..16..0
5 Chairs 5/, 1 Cupboard 3/9, 2 Tables 12/61.. 1..3
1 Chest 5/, a Set of Wedges 5/0..10..0
old Hoes &c 4/, 1 Saddle & Housings 20/1.. 4..0
1 Fluke hoe & brake 1/3, 2 Pots & a pr. of Pothooks 10/0..11..3
A Parcel of Lumber 5/, 3 barrels Corn 24/1.. 9..0
4 Sows 3 Shoats & 10 Pigs2.. 0..0
3 Turkeys 6 Hens & 2 Ducks0.. 7..0
2 Axes 5/, 1 Spinning Wheel 2/6 8 Geese0..15..6
1 Mare and 2 Colts4.. 0..0
4 Cows & Calves £6 6 Cows £7 5 Yearlings 35/14..15..0
5 Young Cattle3.. 2..6
3 Young Steers £4 1 Steer & a Bull £37.. 0..0
276 lb. Bacon at 4 d. p lb.4..12..0
1 Negro Man Named George40.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Patt40.. 0..0
1 Negro Boy Named Frank25.. 0..0
1 Bull 15/, 1 Meal bag 2/6, 1 Cradle 2/6, 3 Young Hogs 12/1..12..0
3 Pigs 3/, 1 Plane & Augre 2 Chissells & Hammer 4/0.. 7..0
A Parcel of Leather 20/, 1 Raw Hide 5/, half barrel rotten Corn 1/31.. 6..3
1 Cow and 2 Young Cattle2..12..0
£171.. 6..2

Samuel Tompkins
Thos. Tomer
Edward Armistead
John Richardson

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of May 1758 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.