In Obedience to an Order of Court held for York County on the 20th day of May 1751 We the Subscribers did meet at the dwelling House of Judith Moore decd. and after being Sworn before Daniel Moore Gent did Appraise the Estate of the said Moore as follows.

7 Cows £8 15/, 1 Yoke of Oxen £4 10/, 4 Heifers £3 12/£16..17..0
4 Young Steers 46/, 1 Mare 50/, 16 head of Sheep £48..16..0
10 head of hogs 52/, 1 Cart and Wheels 30/4.. 2..0
1 small Bed & furniture 45/, 1 Do. & furniture £3 1 Do. 30/6..15..0
1 Loom Slays & Harness 20/, A parcel of feathers 10/1..10..0
1 Chest & 1 Table 10/, a parcel of Wool 15/6, 1 saddle 8/1..13..6
7 Chairs 7/, 2 Chests & 1 Table 13/, 18 lb Pewter & 17 Spoons 14/61..14..6
1 pr. Stilyards, Spice Morter & Pestle 8/, 2 potts 1 Pott rack & frying Pan 20/1.. 8..0
1 Spinning Wheel 2 pair Cards 4/, 1 Spit firetongs and Pestle 4/0.. 8..0
1 Tub 2 Pails0.. 2..6
£43.. 6..6

Mary Hallon Admx.

James Burcher
Thos. Pescud
Thos. Pescud Junr.

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of July 1751 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.