[In obed]ience to an order of York County Court dated May ye 18th 1733 [We the Subscribers first being Sworn before Anthony Robinson Gent One of _____ices of the peace for the above sd County have appraised the Estate of [Starkey Moore] decd and Made our Inventory thereof as follows--

To 7 [cal]ves @ 20/ £7, To 9 Cows @ 18/ £8.2 One Yoake of Oxen @ 70/£18.12.0
To 7 @ 28/ £9.16 To 6 Young Cattle @ 12/6 £3.15 To 25 Sheep @6/ £ 7.10/21.6.0
To 12 [ho]ggs @ 4/ 12 piggs @ 2/ £3.12 one horse 60/ one Mare 25/ one Do. 20/8.17.0
To [bed] & furniture 6 lb. one Tunel bedstead & Do. 50/ one bedstead bed & furn.re 5 lb.13.10.0
To bed bolster Sheet & one Rugg 80/ one Rugg & Carpet 3 Sheet & 4 pillow Cases 38/65.18.6
To 1 table Cloath & 13 Diaper Napkins 25/ 1 Table Cloath & 5 Napkins 8/1.13.0
[To] 3 table Cloths & 10 Napkins 8/6 A Small trunk Some Earthen Ware 12/0.0.6
To [3]4 lb. pewter @ 12d. 34/ four Glasses & 5 lb. pewter @ 9d. 42/23.16.2
To 6 lb. Do. @ 3d. & ___Doz Plates @ 20/ ___24/ one oval Table 30/ 2 Sqr. Do. 6/3.0.0
To ___Search 3 Sifters a pcell Vials 5/ 2 trunks 10/ 2 Cases of bottles @ 30/2.5.0
To 3 lbs. Yarn @ 12d. & 14,1b. Cotten 24/10 10 1b. Cotten in ye Seeds @ 3d. 2 Chests @ 101.17.4
________Sole leather @ 4/ p. 32/ 45 bottles @ 2d. 7/61.19.6
[To] _____5 lb. old Iron 8/6 Carpenters Tools 12/ a Set of Iron boxes 18/1.6.6
_______ frames A pcell of Rope 5/ 2 flagins 2 pans 5/ 20 lb, lead @ 2/ 8 baskets 6/0.17.4
_______ Chairs 10/ a p. Money Scales 2/6 2 leather Chairs 2 Trunks 23/1.15.6
______ old books 12/ knives & forks 6/ a morter 4 Candlesticks peper box 121.10.0
______ Wheel 3 p Card______Shears 12/0.12.0
To_____aters Grate & a G[un] pistols holsters [housing] Carbine___13.10.0
To a ______& Shovel trowel & Nippers 10/8 upper Leather hooks & ______1.19.8
To 10 _______Axes 4/8 6 Yds Kersey 2 buttons 2 Sticks mohair1.1.2
To 2 ½ Yds. Waring_______Yd. Buckram 10d. 11 Ells princess Linnen @ ½ 13/0.15.3
To 7 ½ Ells Dowla[s]______Ells oz 19/71.10.10
To 12 ½ Ells linnen [y]ds. Virg.a Cloth @ 18 d [5] lliards Drawing knife & Glasses3.0.6
To 111 lb. pot Iron @ ___37/ 2 Giggs 2/6 2/6 a pestle 3/6 Quern Stones 10/2.13.0
To 20 bushells Salt 18 old Cask @ 1/6 52/ Yoak link Staple Cannoe 6/62.18.6
To an old Iron pot 2/6 2 Setts Wedges 12/8 a Spit and frying pan 8/ a Sadle 3 bridles 3/1.6.2
To a pcell Wooden Wares 18/ 3 lb. brass 3/ 2 Meal baggs 2/6 5 Juggs 7/ 8 potts 8/1.18.6
To 5 pans 2/6 a p. Silver buckles 5/ 23 lb. Wooll @ 10d. 19/2 Cash £
To a Negro Man Oxford £28 a Lad Tego £25 a wench Jone £2578.0.0

Bennet Tompkins
Thos. Hawkins
Jas. Dixon & Thos. Phillips

At a Court held for York County July 16th 1733
This Invty & Appl. of the Estate of Starkey Moore decd was presented in Court and ordered to be recorded. Test Thos Frayser D Cl Cur