IN COMPLYANCE with an Order of the Worshipful Court of York bearing date the 17th. February 1755 We the Subscribers being first Sworn have Appraised the Estate of Matthew Morland decd. Vizt.

To a Negro Man Named Jim Value£45.. ..
To a Negro Woman Named Poll35.. ..
To a Negro Girl Named Amy30.. ..
To a Negro boy Named Frank20.. ..
To a Negro Girl Named Sarah12.. ..
To 1 feather Bed and some furniture2..10..
To 1 Bedstead & some Bed Covering0..10..
To 2 Chests & 1 old Trunk0..12..6
To 4 old dishes & a parcel of old Plates1.. 3..
To 1 Mans Saddle & Bridle 17/6 To 1 Womans Do. 5/1.. 2..6
To a Parcel of old Lumber &c1.. 0..
To a parcel of Weaving Gear0.. 5..
To a parcel of Earthen Ware0.. 5..
To 6 Chairs 12 Bottles Spinning Wheel &c0.. 7..6
To 1 Mare £3. a Case Knives Bible & a Little Trunk3..10..
To 1 Gun and an old Pistol0..10..
To 2 Cows & Calves3..12..6
To 3 Hogs 17/. 3 Ewes 12/61.. 9..6
To 2 Iron Pots & some old Iron0..17..6

Edwd. Moss
John Tenham
William Powell

Returned into York County Court the 17th. day of March 1755 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: