The Appraisment of the Estate of Robert Moss.

1 Bed Counterpane Rugg 2 Bolsters 3 Sheets 1 pr. Blankets 2 Pillows Matrass and Bedstead£7..15..
1 Bed 1 Quilt 1 Blanket 1 Pillow & Bedstead1.. 7..6
1 Set Curtains & 2 Window Do.1.. ..
1 Gun 47/6. 6 Chairs & Table 22/6 1 Desk 26/4..16..
1 pr. Doggs Shovel Tongs Hoe 2 Trivets Bellows & Broom2.. ..
3 China Bowles and other China 2 Glasses & Cruett1.. 5..
1 Tea Board Stand China Tea pot six Cups and Saucers 4 Coffee Cups and Bowl1.. 5..
Old Silver wt. 6 oz.. 12½ d wt. at 5/1..10..7½
6 Pewter Plates 1 Dish 1 Bason 14/ old Pewter 10/1.. 4..
6 Brass Candlesticks 2 Savealls Pepper box Snuffers Stand Skimmer and flour box1.. 8..
2 Sauce Pans Teakettle and Coffee Pot1.. 2..6
3 flatt Irons box Iron 2 Heaters Stand Gridiron & Ladle0..12..0
1 Tin Milk Pan Cullender & 2 Candle Moulds0.. 4..6
1 Suit of Cloaths & Banyan3.. ..
1 Suit Do. 60/ Coat Breeches & 3 Linen Waistcoats £58.. ..
2 Hatts & 2 Perukes2.. ..
12 Shirts & 3 NeckCloths8..10..
1 Table Cloth & 6 Napkins0..16..
1 pr. Silk Stockings 1 pr. Worsted Do. 1 pr. Gloves0..17..6
1 Taylors Iron 1 Do. Knotch 1 Knotch board Sleever Do. & Sheers0..11..
1 Sattin Waistcoat unfinished (damaged)0..14..6
11 pair HairCloths 16/6 1 pr. Money Scales 5/.1.. 1..6
1 Shop board 2 Iron Pots 2 Potracks & frying Pan1..12..6
2 Tubs 2 Pails 1 Piggin 2 Trays & Beer Cask0.. 7..6
4 Knives 4 Forks 2 brass Cocks & 3 Jugs0.. 9..0
1 Chest 2 Tables Powdering Tub & Safe0..17..6
1 Cow & Yearling 47/6 2 doz: bottles & Ax 6/2..13..6

York County [illegible]
In Obedience to an Order of Court bearing date the 16th day of December 1751 we the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of Robert Moss decd.

Patrick Matthews his mark
James Mills
Matthew Burt

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of May 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: