The Inventory of the Estate of Matthew Peirce decd.

19 Sheep at 6/ £5..4/ 48 head of Cattle £48£53.. 4..0
1 Bay Horse £9 1 Chair and a pair of Horses & Harness £1726.. 0..0
1 Bed pr. of Sheets Counterpane Blanket Bedstead Cord & Hide5.. 0..0
1 Bed pr. of Sheets Blanket Rug & Bedstead2.. 0..0
1 Trunk 1 Chest 1 Box 2 Chairs 0..18..0
1 Bed pair Sheets Blanket Quilt Bedstead Cord and Hide 4.. 0..0
1 Bed pr. of Sheets Blanket & Quilt £3 1 Chest & 1 Chair 4/3.. 4..0
6 Pillows 17/, 1 Bed pr. of Sheets Blanket Quilt & a Suit of Curtains £77..17..0
1 Desk 20/, 1 Case & 12 bottles 15/, 1 Table & 5 Chairs 8/62.. 3..6
1 Press 25/, 1 large black Walnut Table 30/ 1 Table Do. 25/4.. 0..0
1 small Table 15/, a Book Case & Desk £4 6 Leather Chairs 30/6.. 5..0
4 old Chairs 5/, 1 Looking Glass 37/6, 6 Silver Spoons £68.. 2..6
6 small Silver Spoons & Tumbler 26/, a parcel of Earthen Ware 10/1..16..0
2 Tables 2 Chests 1 small Desk 20/, 5 pr. of Sheets 6 Pillow Cases £4 5/5.. 5..0
6 Tables Cloths & 6 Towels 33/, 6 Yards of Bed ticking 30/3.. 3..0
36 Yards of brown Sheeting 46/, 23 Yards of White Sheeting 30/3..16..0
18 Yards of fine Linnen 42/6 1 Gun 30/, 1 Do. 20/, 1 Do. 10/5.. 2..6
1 large Bible 26/, 1 Dictionary 13/, a Parcel of Books 20/2..19..0
A Parcel of Carpenters tools 10/, a Parcel of Leather £66..10..0
15 doz. & 8 Bottles 30/, 1 pr. Shott Moulds & Brush 10/£2.. 0..0
1 pr. of Stilyards Scales & Weights & Wheat Sive0..13..0
1 pr. of Spoon Moulds Warming Pan 2 Candlesticks pr Snuffers0.. 9..0
10 Forks 8 Knives 2 Pepper Boxes 1 Salt Cellar0.. 5..0
1 Spinning Wheel & Cards 5/, 3 Juggs 5 butter Pots 26/1..11..0
A Watch £5 7 Earthen Plates 2 flatt Irons a box Iron & 2 heaters 10/5..10..0
1 pair of hand Irons fire tongs & fender 8/, 8 Cyder Casks 24/1..12..0
20 Milk Pans 24 Plates £3 5 dishes 5 Water Pails & a Tub 30/4..10..0
30 lb. of Pewter 15/, 3 Pots 1 Spit & Skillet 37/62..12..6
3 Pot racks & Grid Iron ½ Pint Pot & funnell1.. 4..6
A large Copper 50/, a pair of Money Scales & razors 11/3.. 1..0
Cash £32 12/, 3 old Sack Baggs 3/32..15..0
3 Sows 8 Piggs & 18 Shoats4.. 3..0
1 Cart & Wheels & a Set of Harness9.. 0..0
7 old Hoes 3 Wedges 2 Axes0..14..0
1 large Chest 1 Meal Tub and a Buck Skin0..12..0
Pompey £50 Essex £45 Charles £50 Sarah £40185.. 0..0
Phillis £45 Matt £20 Tom £5 Will £35105.. 0..0
Bess £40 Ben £30 Casar £25 Nan £30125.. 0..0
Jack £10 Phoebe £15 Frank £530.. 0..0
1 Table Corn Barrell & half Bushell0.. 5..0
The half of a Canoe 15/, 6 hogsheads 18/1..13..0
30 Bushels of Lime0..13..0
80 Bushels of Corn at 8/32.. 0..0
20 Pounds of Cotton 20/, 1 large Table 2/61.. 2..6

Matthw. Sheilds
Robert Crawley
Nathl. Crawley Junr.

Returned into York County Court the 17th day of March 1755 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.