An Inventory of the Appraisment of the Estate of John Peters decd. Vizt.

1 Negro Harry £45 1 Negro Scipio £30£75.. 0..0
1 Negr Milly £35 3 Cows £4 5/39.. 5..0
1 Yoke of Steers £4, 1 Cart, Wheels & Chains £5 5/9.. 5..0
1 old Cart & Wheels 22/6, 1 old Cart 3/1.. 5..6
2 Horses £14 3 Saddles £2 5/16.. 5..0
2 Sows 22/6 2 Shoats 8/1..10..6
1 Dish & 5 Plates 8/, 1 Chest of Carpenters tools 50/2..18..0
1 Chest Carpenters tools 1 Book Architect8.. 0..0
1 Chest0.. 6..0
A Parcel of Corn at 6/6 p Barrel

In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date the 16th of January 1758 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Edward Ambler one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace then did Appraise all such Estate as was brought before us of John Peters decd. as above As Witness our Hands this 20th day of March 1758.

Charles Hansford Junr.
John Wagstaff
Bazzel Wagstaff

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of March 1758 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.