An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Edward Potter decd. Vizt.

1 Negro Man Named Bob £40 1 Negro Man Named Peter £50£90.. 0..0
1 Do Named Dego 50 1 Do Named Jeffery 4595.. 0..0
1 Do Named Gaby 40 1 Negro boy Named Frank 3070.. 0..0
1 Negro boy Named Paul 30 1 Negro boy Named Jack 2050.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Phobe & 2 Children Edy & Willboy55.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Patt 25 1 Negro Woman Named Dill 3055.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Named Sarah & her two Children Lewis & Virener65.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Jenny 35 1 Negro Woman Amy 3570.. 0..0
1 Negro Girl Nan 23 1 Negro Girl Judith 18 41.. 0..0
1 Old Wench named Sarah5.. 0..0
1 Desk £3 1 pr. Iron Doggs 15/ some Earthen Ware 10/4.. 5..0
1 Case of Bottles 15/. A Gun 43/. 1 Case & 4 Bottles 6/3.. 4..0
1 Silver Watch £5 1 Walnut Table & Table Linnen £27.. 0..0
2 pr. Scales & Weights & some Lumber 17/ 1 large Looking Glass 30/2.. 7..0
1 small Table 10/ 1 Corner Cupboard 15/1.. 5..0
1 feather Bed & furniture £4..10/ 1 Do £3 a Do. £6 1 Do £215..10..0
1 Cow Hide some old Casks and a drag Harrow0..16..0
2 Pictures 10/ 6 Leather Chairs 30/2.. 0..0
7 Rush bottom Chairs 10/. 1 small Looking Glass 5/0..15..0
1 Chest and a Trunk 5/. 1 Chest & Brick Moulds 19/1.. 4..0
1 Chest & other sundries 19/. 1 old Sword Trussels & Chair 3/61.. 2..6
1 Butter Pot 2 Mugs & a Candlestick a pr. Snuffers & Dog Irons0..15..0
1 Corner Cupboard 10/. 1 pr. Fire tongs & a Shovel 4/0..14..0
Cannisters & Sheep Shears 1/6 a pr. Pistols Holsters & Cartooch box 40/2.. 1..6
1 large Iron Pot 5/. 1 Do. 5/. 1 small Do & 3 pr. Pot hooks 4/60..14..6
Kitchen Furniture 8/. A Spice Morter & Pestle 10/0..18..0
A pr. of Dogs & an Iron Pot rack 25/. 1 Spinning Wheel 6/1..11..0
A Box Iron and Heaters0.. 2..6
36 Head of Sheep at 6/6 each 11..14..0
17 Hogs £7 1 large Steer £2..10/9..10..0
3 Yoke of Steers £11 12 Cows £1829.. 0..0
4 Young Bulls & a Heifer3.. 2..6
1 old Bull and 1 Young Steer2.. 0..0
An Ox Cart & Wheels Yokes & Chains6..10..0
A Mare & Colt £2 1 Young Horse £2..10/4..10..0
Brot over£
Butter Pots & Milk Pans 8/. 1 Bell Metal Skillet 10/0..18..0
Dishes Plates & Spoons 43/. Pewter Measures 17/. Lumber 5/.3.. 5..0
2 White Tables 5/. A Riding Chair & Harness £1010.. 5..0
Jugs & Bottles 26/. Cyder Casks Tubs & Lumber 28/2..14..0
2 Fluke Hoes & a Plow 15/. Old Hoes & Axes 12/1.. 7..0
Part of a Whip Saw and a Cross cut Saw1.. 5..0
Old Iron 2/. an Old Copper 40/. Vinegar & Lumber 25/3.. 7..0
1 old Horse 20/. A Horse Cart & Tackling £5..10/6..10..0
29 Head of Cattle in Merchants hundred36..15..0
2 Hogs 35/. some Lumber 5/62.. 0..6
4 Hoes & a Spade & 7 old Casks 17/. A Mans Saddle 20/1..17..0
Beef sold for £3..8..6 Weathers & Lambs sold for £3..6/6..14..6
1 Hogshead Tobo. sold for8.. 0..0
£793.. 9..6
Corn at 7/s p Barrel

In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date the 21st of November 1757 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Mr Edward Ambler one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace then did Appriase all such Estate as was brought before us of Edward Potter decd. As Witness our hands this 19th day of December 1757.

Young Moreland
Charles Miles
Samuel Hill

Returned into York County Court the 19th day of December 1757 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: