In Obedience to an Order of York Court Dated the 21st November 1757 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Robert Sheild Gent one of his Majestys Justices of the said County have Appraised the Estate of Robert Presson decd. as follows.

1 Steer 35/, 6 Cows £9 £10..15..0
2 Do. 43/, 4 Young Cattle 50/, 3 Calves 21/5..14..0
A Parcel of Tops 5/, a Parcel of Husks 7/60..12..6
800 bundles of old Fodder 10/, 900 bundles of New Fodder 13/61.. 3..6
27 Barrels & 1 bushell of Corn at 7/ s. p Barrell9..10..5
4 Barrels & 1 bushell of rotton Corn at 2/60..10..6
A Parcel of Flags 4/, 6 Hogs 48/, 6 Hogs 30/4.. 2..0
18 Shoats 63/, 1 Sow & Pigs 12/6, 1 Horse 20/4..15..6
1 Spinning Wheel 7/, 1 Cask with 43 lb. unpict Cotton 11/0..18..0
A Parcel of Casks 14/, A Turners bench & tools 15/, 5 Chairs 10/1..19..0
A Grindstone & a Parcel of Unfinished Chairs &c0..10..0
1 Steer Yoke Link & Staple 2/6, A Mans & a Womans Saddle 20/1.. 2..6
250 boards 12/6, A Parcel of Leather 12/1.. 4..6
A Chest and Box 5/, A Box Iron and Heaters 5/0..10..0
A pr. of Wool Cards & Cotton Do. & 4 balls Cotton 3/60.. 8..6
1 Looking Glass Combs and brush 1 Hour Glass a Parcel of Fishing Lines & Hooks Books Pepper box Razor old Knives & forks &c0.. 8..6
Shot & Cartouch box 1/3 ½ doz. Plates 8/0.. 9..3
A Parcel of Spoons 2/6, 2 Dishes 3/, 6 Chairs 6/, 1 Table 5/0..16..6
½ doz. Plates 3/6, 1 Bed & bolster 30/1..13..6
1 Bed bedstead Bolster & Rugg £3 1 Bed & furniture 30/4..10..0
Carpenters Rule 1/3 a Bag with 2 lb. Pickt Cotton & some Cloth 2/60.. 3..9
A Parcel of Earthen Ware 11/, 1 Iron Pott 12/1.. 3..0
A Cask & Beans 2/, A Parcel of Iron Ware 15/0..17..0
A Parcel of Bottles 7½ d. some Soap 1/6, 1 Gun 8/0..10..1½
1 Claw Hammer 1/3 a Butt & a hhd. of Cyder 50/, 2 Iron Pots &c 20/3..11..3
A bag with 8 lb. feathers 10/, a Quarter part of a Sein 14/1.. 4..0
A Parcel of Wooden Ware 9/, 2 tables 2 bags 2 baskets & bedwinch & Rolling pin 5/0..14..0
1 Meal bag Table Cloth 2 Napkins & Sifter 2/, 1 Chest 10/0..12..0
1 Young Negro Woman £40 Cash £ 4..1..644.. 1..6
1 Cyder Cask 4/, 1 Fluke hoe & brake 2/6, 1 Cradle 5/0..11..6
4 Hogs 15/, 173 lb. Tobo. at 2 d. p lb. 28/10 d.2.. 3..10
£107.. 5..7½

Edward Tabb
John Richardson
Thomas Tomer

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of March 1758 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.