In Obedience to an Order of York Court dated the 17th day of January 1757 We the Subscribers being Sworn before Robert Smith Gent one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace of the said County have mett and appraised the Estate of Gerrard Roberts decd. as follows.

2 Yoke of Steers £10. 1 Steer & 7 Cows £11..10/£21..10..0
3 Young Steers 55/. 3 Yearlings 22/63..17..6
1 Horse 35/. 6 Geese 6/. 12 Hogs £35.. 1..0
19 Hogs £5..14/. 4 Shoats 16/. 13 Pigs 26/7..16..0
1 Horse £3 1 Cross Cut Saw 10/. a parcel of old hoes 9/3..19..0
3 Spades 3/. 2 Axes 5/. 1 Gun 20/. 2 Mill Pecks & Hammer 3/61..11..6
1 Mill Crow & Sledge Hammer 8/. A pr. Stilyards 15/1.. 3..0
A pair Cart Wheels & Link & Staple & piece of a Chain0..17..6
2 Hogsheads Cyder & Casks 3 Cyder Casks2.. 7..6
4 Cyder Casks & a Wimble Bit 1 Cow hide & 2 Skins1.. 6..0
11½ bushels of Wheat 34/6 1 Harrow 4/1..18..6
18½ barrels of Corn at 7/6. A parcel of old Casks 15/7..13..9
1 Frow 2/3 2 Ox Chains 22/6 3 Narrow Axes 6/1..10..0
1 pair fire tongs Shovel & Pestle0.. 5..6
2 Iron Wedges Grid Iron & a Trivet0.. 8..0
12 lb old Iron 2 old Whip & Cross cut Saws0..14..6
1 Pot rack 1 Pot & hooks & 1 Augre0..11..0
1 Spit & frying Pan 2 Sythes 1 Brass Kettle1..19..0
1 Pot & hooks a Cart & Wheels1.. 7..6
1 Carry log & Wheels A Link & Staple1.. 7..0
1 Spinning Wheel and two Grindstones0.. 6..0
1 Bushel of Pease & 1 Bushel of Salt0.. 4..6
A Parcel of Soal Leather 6 New broad Hoes1..19..0
1 Tub 1 Side of upper Lether & 1 Skin0..11..0
1 ly Tub 1 Saddle Housing & Bridle1.. 9..6
1 Negro Man Tom £50 1 Negro Man Dan £50100.. 0..0
1 Do. John £50 1 Do. Nump £1565.. 0..0
1 Negro Woman Beck £38 half a Still &c £240.. 0..0
1 Oak Desk 35/. 1 large & 1 small Bible 14/2.. 9..0
1 Book 1/6 1 Oval Table 20/ 6 Chairs 30/2..11..6
6 Chairs 40/. 1 large looking Glass 30/3..10..0
6 Plates 10/. 7 Do. 8/4d 2 Basons 5/1.. 3..4
7 Dishes 15/. 6 Knives & forks 12/6 1 Tea Kettle 10/1..17..6
6 Knives & forks 4/. 3 Candlesticks 4/60.. 8..6
1 Funnel & 1 half pint Pot 2/. Spice Morter &c 7/0.. 9..0
Carrd. over
Brot over£
1 pr. Snuffers 1/. Tin Kettle & 3 Pans 9/0..10..0
1 Stew pan 6/. 2 Earthen Do. 6d. 2 Wheat Sives 7/0..13..6
2 Tables 14/6. 1 Sow 15/ 7 Ewes & Lambs £3..10/4..19..6
15 Sheep £5..5/. A Stack of Fodder 5/5..10..0
1 Hone 1/3 6 Silver tea Spoons 28/1.. 9..3
6 large Silver Spoons3.. 0..0
1 Pair Money Scales 2/6. 5 Tea Cups & 2 Saucers 4/0.. 6..0
1 Milk Pot Sugar Do. & Butter Bowl0.. 2..6
6 Earthen Plates 1 Dish & 1 Bowl0.. 5..6
1 Mug & 2 Glasses 2/6d 17 lb Soap 13/1½ d0..15..7&
A Case of Bottles 7/6 9 lb Lard Butter Pot & Bason 9/0..16..6
2 pr Hinges a Sugar Chest & 2 Boxes0..12..0
2 Table Cloths 9/. 1 Bed & furniture £99.. 9..0
1 Chest & 10 Chairs 17/6. 1 Chest 4/. 1 Do. 7/6. 1 Box 1/3d1..10..3
1 Calf Skin 5/. 1½ Yard broad Cloth 27/. 2 Yards Shalloon 5/1..17..0
4 Yards Beaver Coating 36/ 5 Yards Cotton 10/ 3 Yds Virga Cloth 6/.2..12..0
1 Bed Bedstead & furniture & 2 Chamber Pots5.. 2..0
1 Bed Bedstead & furniture4..10..0
A Parcel Wooden Ware & 1 Chest0.. 9..0
1 Table 5/. 1 Searce 1/6. Box Iron & Heaters 7/60..14..0
1 Cyder Cask 1 Tub & 1 Churn0.. 4..0
2 Meat Tubbs & 2 Butter Pots0..10..0
1 Meal Tray Sifter & a Cag a Skimmer & a flesh fork0.. 6..0
6 Butts Cyder & Casks at 35/10..10..0
3 Cyder Casks0..14..0
2 hhds Tobo. Nt. 1978 lb at 15/. p Ct.14..16..8¼
2 Heifers2.. 3..0
859 lb of Tobo at 13/6 p Ct5..15..11½
Shott Moulds & Screw0.. 1..6
1 Fluke Hoe & Brake0.. 2..6
1213 lb of Pork at 2d£10.. 2..2

Edward Tabb
Thos Tomer
Thos Presson

Returned into York County Court the 19th day of December 1757 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: