In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date the 18th Day of November 1751 We the Subscribers being Appointed to Appraise the Estate of Ann Robinson decd. did accordingly meet and (being first Sworn) Appraised the same as follows.

11 Cows £15..8/. 1 Yoke of Oxen £3..10/.£18..18..
8 Young Cattle & 4 Calves £6..14/. 29 Sheep £7..5/.13..19..
10 large Hogs £5..10. 20 Smaller Do. £712..10..
4 Sows & some Piggs 50/. 77 Barrells of Corn £30..16/.33..6..
1 Bed & furniture £3. 1 Do. 5/. 2 Do. with Bedsteads £7..10/.10..15..
1 Table & 1 small Trunk 30/6. 1 Chest 10/.2.. 0..6
5 leather Chairs 15/. 5 flag Chairs 2/60.. 7..6
2 Bed Covers 30/. 1 small Glass 1/61..11..6
10 Bushells Wheat 40/. 18 Bushells Pease 45/.4.. 5..
1 Towell 1/3d 1 Table Cloth Knives & Forks 10/.0..11..3
2 Dishes & ½ doz: Plates 14/. 30 lb old Pewter 21/1..15..
1 pr. Scales & Weights 6/. Crockry Ware 11/.0..17..
3 Stone Pots Jug & Pitcher 10/. Loomb Flay & Harness 10/.1.. ..
3 Iron Pot racks Spit & frying Pan 40/. 1 small Copper 8/.2.. 8..
2 Spinning Wheels & Lumber 10/. 2 Chests & old Cask 10/. 1.. 1..
2 doz: Bottles 4/. 48 lb Cotton in the Seed 12/.0..16..
30 lb old Iron 2/6. 1 Cart & Wheels 10/. Fodder &c £5..10/6.. 2..6

Edward Moss
John Sheild
John Tenham

Returned into York County Court the 20th day of January 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: