In obedience to an order of York County Court dated September the 19th 1737 We the Subscribers first being Sworn before Francis Hayward Gent one of his Majesty's Justices of the said County have appraised the Estate of Anthony Robinson junr decd and made Inventory thereof as followeth

To 12 Cows & 7 Calves£12.11.0
To 9 Steers of, different Sizes12.-.-
To 8 Steers & heifers6.-.-
To a pcel of Earthenware0.11.6
To a Spice Mortar & Skimer0.5.9
To a pcel of wooden ware a Chest Anchor 2 Sifters & Cask0.17.0
To 50 ½ lb. pewter at 1/ p. lb & 6 ½ at 6d. p. lb£2.13.9
To 5 porringers at 1/ each 4 Leather Chairs & 6 flagg Chairs1.14.0
To a bed & furniture 12 lb feathers & 1 oval Table6.17.0
To a Chest & Trunk & 1 Suit of Curtains2.-.-
To a Saddle & bridle £1.12.6 and a peel of Leather £
To 2 pr. Sheets £1/4 one Do. 8/1.12.0
To 3 Table Cloths & 4 Towells0.14.3
To a bed & furniture £4 To 16 ½ yds. Virga. Cloth at 2/6 p. yd6.1.3
To a Glaisers Diamond 7/6 a box & a child s Chair 1/0.8.6
To 42 barrells of Indian Corn at 6/6 and 6 bushels of pease at 2/14.5.0
To a pr. fire tongs & Shovel box Iron & heaters0.7.6
To a Mugg 2 Salt glasses 2 drinking glasses & a looking glass0.4.0
To a Spining Wheel pr. Wool Cards frying pan Skillet & brush0.11.0
To 69 lb. pott Iron at 3d p. lb. and 9 lb. wooll at 9d.1.4.0
To 4 bushels Wheat at 2/6 and 5 bushels Salt at 2/1.-.-
To a pcel of old books Candle Stick & razor0.5.0
To a peel of hoes drawing knife broad ax & loggerhead0.9.0
To a Violin & Case 12/ and 7 bottles 1/0.13.0
To 8 Sheep at 6/ each an old gun 15/3.3.0
To a pcel of Leather1.8.0
To a Negro girl called Sarah12.-.-
To 18 hoggs of different Sizes 4.2.6 a Mare & Colt £
To a Canoe 10/ a Corn Credle 2/6 & Silver Clasp 3 knives & forks0.16.0
To a pcel of Silver weighing one ounce 12 penny wt. & 12 gr.4.-.-
To a Negro girl called Rachel25.-.-
To a Negro man called Robin25.-.-
To a Negro Man Tom30.-.-
To a Negro boy Paul25.-.-
To a Negro boy Jimmy20.-.-
To a Negro wench Sarah & Child32.10.-

Bennet Tomkins
Thos. Roberts
Danl. More
Thos. Hawkins

Mary Robinson

At a Court held for York County May the 15th 1738 This Inventory & appraisment of the Estate of Anthony Robinson junr. decd. was presented in Court and order'd to be Recorded.

Test Matt Hubard CYC