An Inventory of the Estate of Henry Tyler decd. Janry. 17th. 1729/30

Jack, Ned,Thomas, Ralph, Aggy, Cassar, Be[r]tran, Betty, Doll, Pegg, Alice, Kate, Rachel, William, Dick, Benjamin, Charles, David, Peter, Danl. Negroes
8 Russia leather Chairs2.14.-
To 1 large Cane Do. and Cushion-.15.-
To 1 looking Glass & Table2.-.-
8 pictures-.5.-
To 3 drinking glasses and decanter-.3.-
To 1 hour glass-.-.9
To 1 pr. bellows-.2.6
To 2 box Irons & 4 heaters-.10.-
To 1 pr. tongs & shovel-.2.-
To 1 pr. doggs-.7.6
To 1 feather bed & bolster, a quilt, 1 pr. blankets, curtains vallins head Cloth, Tester, bedstead Cord & hide 3 Iron rods window curtains and vallins10.-.-
To 1 dozn. delft plates & 2 dishes Do-.6.6
To 1 oil Cloth 5/ To dozn China Cups with Saucers 10/-.15.-
To 5 China Cups & a China Slop bason-.6.6
To ½ dozn. China Do. 5 Coarser-.8.6
To 3 Stone Tea pots and Stand-.5.6
To 2 Stone sugar dishes 1 milk pot-.2.-
To 2 tea hand boards 6/6 To a Chest and box [torn] 9/-.15.6
To a small Trunk and 2 boxes 1/6. 1 dozn. Canisters 1 sugar box 4/-.5.6
To 2 Indian baskets 1/ To 1 flasket 2 baskets 4/-.5.-
To a pr. money Scales 2 hat brushes-.3.6
To a warming pan 1 long Candlestick and snuffers-.15.-
To 1 Chest 1 Lanthorn 2/6 To a Tea kettle & Coffee pot 6/6-.9.-
To 31 oz. 19 prot. of plate9.2.-
To a trunk 2 Chests 3 boxes 12/6. 3 firelocks 6/6-.19.-
To 1 bed bolster 1 pr. blankets rugg bedstead Cord & matt5.-.-
To 1 matt ¾ yds of tuffill-.4.6
To a Suit Curtains, vallins, tester, head Cloth and Counter pin1.15.-
To 7 Curtains 1 blanket-.19.-
To 2 tables 2 Chairs1.7.6
To a hair broom an Umbrella-.3.-
To a Trussell Quilt and pillows0.12.6
To 9 leather Chairs 1 Table3.10.-
To 1 looking Glass-.10.-
To 1 Gun a pair tongs and Shovel2.11.-
To 6 reap hooks 2 pr. Sheep Sheers-.5.-
To 1 pr. backgammon tables-.5.-
To 10 broad hoes 2 Juggs1.11.2
To 1 looking glass 2 razors & hone-.7.6
To 1 m. 12d nails 2 m. 6d do. 300 3d. Do-.17.-
To ½ lb. shoe thread and a pcell. of books1.11.-
To 1 bed bolster 3 pillows, quilt, Counter pin 1 pr. blankets bedstead Cord and hide-.6.-
To 2 Chests 2 Trunks 4 boxes1.2.6
To a bed bolster ruggs, 1 pr. blankets, Curts. vallins & counterpin9.17.-
To 2 Chairs, Toylet, Table & Cloth1.-.-
To 1 bedstad Cord and hide-.10.-
To 4 Chests, 4 Sifters 1 Scythe1.5.-
To 4 spades 1 broad ax hand saw and adz-.16.9
To 1 branding Iron 4 Iron wedges-.8.9
To 2 house brushes Saddle and bridle1.10.-
To 69 ½ yds. plains 13 yards Virginia Cloath8.1.9
To 22 ½ Ells Oznabg. 18 ½ Ells narro. Garlix2.15.6
To 1 pr. Cotton Cards 10 hard metal spoons-.5.6
To 2 hamml. Sheets 2 naro. axes 11/ To 1 dozn. knives 1 do. forks 7/-.18.-
To 2 glass salts. 1/ to 1 spinning wheel 1 pr. wool Cards 5/-.6.-
To 27 lb. yarn2.-.6
To 84 lb. 40 ozn. hard metal pewter7.8.-
To 90 lb. pewter 7 Iron pots & 5 pr. hooks8.8.6
To 3 brass Candlesticks snuffers and stand dish-.8.-
To 96 ¼ lb. brass 17 ¼ lb. of bell mettle7.6.1
1 a pcell. of Lumber2.14.9
To 2 pr. pot racks 10/ To 19 lb. of feathers 19/1.9.-
To 35 milk pans and other things4.-.1
To a Corn mill and other things6.1.-
To a Cart and wheels and 3 wheel barrows3.15.-
To a Cart saddle & harness-.10.-
To 66 lb. old Iron 12 ½ barrells of Corn27.1.9
To 11 bushells wheat 2 horses 1 mare16.13.-
To 2 hogs 57 head of Cattle53.2.-
To sundry table Cloths napkins & other household linnen11.3.3
To 14 lb. Tallow a Coffee mill 2 Cocks1.1.10
To a watch5.-.-
carried O £ 245.16.1245.16.1

In Obedience to an order of this Court We have been sworn and have appraised the Contents of the within
Saml. Weldon
Thoms. Cobbs
Robert Crawley

At a Court held for York County Febry. 16th. 1729/30
This Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Henry Tyler decd. was presented in Court by Henry Tyler one of the Excrs. and is admitted to Record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.