An Inventory of Goods belonging to the Estate of William Vanner decd.

1 Silver Watch £4..5/. Silver Buckles & Studds 5/£4..10..0
2 Hatts 15/. 1 Coat Vest & Britches 50/3.. 5..0
1 pr. Buckskin Britches 15/ 1 old Coat 2 Waistcoats & 1 pr. Britches 10/1.. 5..0
4 pr. Worsted 1 pr. thread Hose 5/. 5 Check Shirts 10/0..15..0
¾ Yard Chex 2 Caps 2 handkercheifs & 1 old Waistcoat0.. 2..6
1 Saddle Bridle & Saddle Cloth 15/. 1 Glaisers Diamond 21/61..16..6
2 Razors 1 Pen knife 4 Knives and forks0.. 7..6
1 Set Bricklayers tools 26/. 1 broad Hoe 2/1.. 8..0
2 Rugs 26/. 1 Bed tick 26/. 1 Bedstead 7/62..19..6
1 Bull 20/. 1 Mare and Colt £4..10/5..10..0
Cash in Paper Bills3.. 0..0

In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date Novr. 20th 1756 We the Subscribers have Appraised the Estate of William Vanner decd. amounting to twenty four pounds nineteen Shillings as above

Edmd Tabb
John Gibbons
James Mitchell

Returned into York County Court the 16th day of January 1758 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: