In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date November the 20th 1752 We the Subscribers Edward Moss Edward Moss Junr. & Thomas Patrick being first Sworn have met and Appraised the Estate of John Wright decd. as followeth and make return thereof.

To 7 Cows £9 2/, 5 Young Steers £5 8/, 4 Young Calves £1 10/£16.. 0..0
2 Sows & 7 Shoats £3 15/, 1 Bed and furniture £36..15..0
1 more Bed and furniture 36/, 1 more Do. 26/3.. 2..0
A Parcel of Books and 1 Table1.. 0..0
2 Chests and Box and Spinning Wheel0..15..0
A Parcel of old Pewter 12/, A Parcel of old Lumber 6/0..18..0
1 Jug 2/, 4 Pots Racks and hooks 20/1.. 2..0
1 Spit and Pestle & 2 Wedges 10/, A Parcel of old Iron 7/60..17..6
1 Cart-horse & Saddle £4 11/, 1 Hide & old Casks 10/65.. 1..6
1 fat Pot & hogshead of Syder1.. 2..0
1 Negro Man15.. 0..0
A Parcel of Lumber 10/, 1 Bushell of Salt 1/30..11..3
£52.. 4..3

Edward Moss
Edward Moss Junr.
Thomas Patrick

Returned into York County Court the 18th day of December 1752 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.