In Obedience to an Order of York Court Dated November the 20th 1752 We the Subscribers met and first Sworn before Mr. John Page Gent. one of his Majestys Justices for Gloucester County and appraised the Estate of Humphrey Hundley decd. as Witness our hands

2 Negro Girls £55 A Mulatto Boy £36£91.. 0..0
A Gun 15/, Carpenters tools 24/, A Bible 18/, A Prayer book 1/2..18..0
4 Spectators 10/, 2 Carpenters 2 foot Rules Beavil & Square 5/40..15..4
A Hone Needles Purse & Sissors 6/11 Cash £5..10..95..17..8
Powder horn & Shot 1/, A Razor Strop & Lancet 2/1½0... 3..1½
A Spy Glass Inkhorn & Pen 3/, A pair of Money Scales 6/0.. 9..0
A Draft board & Box 1/, 3 Hooks 2/0.. 3..0
A Suit of Cloaths 65/, one Do. 47/6, 5 Yds. of Duck 7/6, 5 Shirts 25/7.. 5..0
2 pr. of Breeches 4/, 2 pr. of Hose 6/, a pr. of Boots 2/ a Wigg 5/, a Rug 6/1.. 3..0

December the 10th 1752.

Anthony Degge Junr.
John Gayle
John Miller

Returned into York County Court the 15th day of January 1753 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.