Appraisment of the Estate of Capt Charles Seabrooke decd. in Partnership with Capt Thomas Reynolds

1 Sea Sloop called the Judith Compleat£300..0..0
1 Country Do. York100..0..0
1 Do. Do. Eltham50..0..0
5 Pipes Wine @ £25125..0..0
19 hhds Rum Vizt.
SR. No.1-10618-103
Ulla. Cask79
2121Galls. @ 3/6371..3..6
11 Barrells Sugar Vizt.
SR. No1-402-25No. 6-276-20
3288Nett @ 42/669..17..5
1 Beam Scales and Weights10.. 0..0
14 Bushels Pease1..15..0
2 half Bushel Measures & 2 Buckets0..10..0
1 pair Screws £4 10/, 300 lb. [Oakum] £2..107.. 0..0
1 Gauging Rod 1 Funnel 1 Brass Cock 1 pr. Pincers0.. 7..6
1 Boat Sail & 4 Cars2.. 5..0
1 New spare Main Sail for a Sloop20.. 0..0
11 Pair new Oars 3/92.. 1..3
6 Negros Vizt.
Dick £50Davy £50100.. 0..0
Ocean 50Bristol 2575.. 0..0
Radcliff 45Limehouse 4590.. 0..0
A Parcel old Sails & Bags £5 6 Lead Lines 12/5..12..0
3 Log Lines 4/6, 6 lb. Twine 10/, 21 Ells Oznabs. 21/1..15..6
3 Glasses 2/3, 53 Yards Bunting 53/2..15..3
5 Yards Duck & Remnants 12/6 A Parcel Stuff in a Barrell 5/0..17..6
9 M. Shingles; 12/65..12..6
2 Wheel Barrows & Spade 10/, 2 Barrels Tar 20/1..10..0
2 Barrels Limes £3 2 Bushels Hair 3/93.. 3..9
1 Warehouse at Water Side140.. 0..0
1 Dwelling House at Do.50.. 0..0
1 old Warehouse at Do.1.. 5..0
1 Iron Hearth & Hoops1.. 0..0
Brot. over1538..11..2
A Parcel Hoops0.. 6..0
1 Ullage Cask of Madeira Wine7.. 0..0
2 Casks with Slat 20/, 6 Quarter Casks 12/1..12..0
265 Yards DuckNo. 1 a 13½ d.£14..18..1½
75½ Yds. Do.No. 2 a 13 d.4.. 1..9½
307 Yds. Do. No. 3 a 12½ d.15..19..9½
18 Cwt. 2 qrs. 21 lb. Cordage 26/24.. 5..10½
59.. 5..7
advance 55 p. Ct.23..12..1
5 pair Shoes 17/ 2 Jackets 11/1.. 8..6
2 Check Shirts 9/, 2 pr. Trowsers 5/0..14..0
9 Oznabs. Shirts 31/6 1 Case & Bottles 10/2.. 1..6
1 Paper Case & Paper 20/, part of a Dray 10/1..10..0
10 lb. Cocoa Nuts 12/6 1 pr. Money Scales 7/61.. 0..0
4 Pipes Wine 2 £25100.. 0..0
Amounting in Partnership£1746.. 0..10
Capt Seabrookes Moiety is£873.. 0..5
His particular Estate
1 Feather Bed Hammock 2 Blankets 3 Sheets 1 Pillow Bolster and two Pillow Cases3..10..0
1 Trunk 30/, 1 Tea Chest 5/1..15..0
2 Sea Books 20, 1 Slate 1/1.. 1..0
1 Gun 50/, 1 Saddle 3/92..13..9
10 Yards Linnen in Remnants2..10..0
9 pair Drawers0..18..0
3 Books 1 Brush 1 pr. Scales & 1 Ink Pot0.. 5..0
1 Negro Man Named Dublin30.. 0..0

In Obedience to an Order of York Court to us directed bearing Date the twentieth day of January last We have Appraised in Current Money so much of the Estate of Capt Charles Seabrooke decd. as hath come to our knowledge Agreeable to the foregoing Account December 20th 1752.

Francis Jerdone
Robt. Sheilds
David Jameson

Returned into York County Court the 16th day of July 1753 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.