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Publications: CW Journal

Proverbs Game

Eighteenth-century proverbs published by Ben Franklin in his "Poor Richard's Almanack" suggest the folksy virtues of humility, self-discipline, honesty, and contentment - with some humor and joy thrown in for good measure. Find out if you are a good "proverb prophet" by filling in the blank to complete the proverb.


What you would seem to be, really.

Dine with little, sup with :
Do better still; sleep supperless.

God heals, and the takes the Fees.

The same man cannot be both and Flatterer.

He who multiplies Riches multiplies .

A true Friend is the best .


Virtue may not always make a Face handsome, but Vice will certainly make it .

He that's content, hath enough; He that complains, has .

To serve the Publick faithfully, and at the same time it entirely, is impracticable.

With bounteous Cheer,
Conclude the .


An honest Man will receive neither nor Praise that is not his Due.


Early to bed and to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

To be humble to Superiors is Duty, to Equals Courtesy, to Nobleness.


Take this remark from Richard poor and lame,
Whate'er's begun in anger ends in .

Where there's Marriage without Love, there will be without Marriage.

He that cannot obey cannot .

Reader, farewel, all Happiness attend thee:
May each New Year better and find thee.