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Lease to Mary Withell(1760 July 14)

  • MS 2000.94 (3X)
  • Microfilm: M-1561
  • 1 item

Jane Quicke, along with John Quicke, John Rous and Thomas Rous lease Mary Withell a dwelling house at Bourn Stream, Gloucestershire, [England] along with the barn, stable, must millhouse, and 21 acres, for the sum of five shillings. A nominal rent of one peppercorn is reserved. Witnessed by W[illia]m Webley, Jim [Jem?] Loudon, Benj[ami]n Walmsley, Jos[eph] Hawkey and Cha[rle]s Hobbyn. Family relationships of Rous family are given in tracing the chain of title.