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Thomas Nelson letter to George Weedon(17 September 19)

  • MS 2014.6
  • Ink on paper

Letter of Governor Thomas Nelson to Brigadier General George Weedon September 19, 1781. Writing from Willliamsburg, Governor Nelson assures Weedon that he will have the forces he needs to confront the British forces in Gloucester County opposite Yorktown.

Thomas Nelson, jr. was a Yorktown, Virginia merchant and politician. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, militia leader and wartime governor of Virginia. He spent a great deal of his own money on providing for Virginia’s defence during the Revolution.

George Weedon was a Fredericksburg, Virginia tavernkeeper and businessman who gained a great deal of military experience during the French and Indian war. Appointed Lt. Colonel of the Third Virginia Regiment, Weedon was a Brigadier General in command of Virginia militia in Gloucester County during the siege of Yorktown.


Page 1

Williamsburg 19th September 1781—


I have this morning recd your Favor
of yesterday. The reason I imagine, no relief has
arrived in your Camp is, that the Militia of all
the Counties except King & Queen, which you men-
tion, were ordered to come down on this side, and
the militia of the counties north of Pamunkey
River, to form the Gloucester Army. The Militia
of King & Queen had no right to a discharge until
relieved, according to the late Militia Law.

I have already given the necessary orders respect-
ing ammunition, and shall take care that your
Force be so respectable, as to
enable you to awe the Enemy on your side,
and to act an offensive part.

I am Sir,
Yr. Mo. Ob Servt.
Thos Nelso Jr

Address leaf

Br General Weedon
Commanding in

Thos Nelson Jr.
Wmsbg. 19 Sepr
William Campbell