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Philip III, King of Spain, letter to the Duke of Medina Sidonia(1608 July 29)

  • MS 2010.5
  • 1 item

In this letter to the Duke of Medina Sidonia, King Philip III (Sovereign, 1598–1621) writes that the English are attempting to establish a foothold in Virginia from which to commit acts of piracy. He requests the Duke supply him with information concerning the location, ports, winds, and other pertinent information about Virginia.


The King

Duke of Medina Sidonia, cousin. [member] of my Council of State, my Captain General of the Ocean Sea and of the Coast of Analucia:

By various avenues He has been advised that the English are attempting to procure a foothold on the Island of Virginia, with the end of sallying forth from there to commit piracy. As it is convenient to have an understanding with detailed information about that island and to know about its exact location, when it was discovered and by whom, what port it has, and what its potentials are, and to where one can sail from it using the prevailing winds, and all the rest that one can know of that place; therefore you will obtain all of the above information from those people who have such knowledge and then communicate it to me as soon as possible.

Done at Lerma, 29 July 1608.

I the King

Andrés de Prada