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Potter’s formula log books(19th century)

  • MS 1992.4
  • 14 items

Seven pocket-sized journals dating from the 19th century, which contain formulas written by individual potters for ceramic bodies, glazes, colors, and applied decorations. The authors of the log books are unknown, although evidence indicates that they originated in Staffordshire, England. These books provide documentation of the experiments undertaken by potters to develop high quality ceramics. Along with recipes and formulas, many of the pages include annotations concerning experimentation with different mixtures for clays, glazes, and tints.

For more information about these books, see “New in the Collection: Potter’s Formula Books” by Rob Hunter, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Research Review, Summer 1992, pp. 14–15.


Folder Description
Folder 1 Log Book, 1812–1824
Folder 2 Log Book, 1824
Folder 3 Log Book, 1829
Folder 4 Log Book, 1859
Folder 5 Log Book, ca. 1860–1880s?
Folder 6 9 miscellaneous letters, notes, and receipts; loose.