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Index to Virginia Cavalcade

Virginia Cavalcade, a handsomely illustrated magazine of Virginia history and culture, was published quarterly by the Library of Virginia from 1951 to 2002. Each issue contained 48 pages of engaging, authoritative articles, with illustrations in color and black and white, depicting Virginia history from the age of exploration to the mid-20th century.

Search the Index:

  • McCown, John, blacksmith, 4(1):23,26
  • McCoy, William, pres. Staunton Convention, 18(5):27
  • McCredie,
    • George, Manchester, partner of S.H. Saunders, 50:89
    • John, merchant, 18(4):41,42,46
  • McCulloch,
    • Alex B., editor, proofreader, 45(1):2
    • Horatio, artist
      • "Glencoe," 38:145,147,192*
    • Richard S., professor, 33:46
  • McCune, J.G., state senator, 12(3):32
  • McCurdy, Samuel, physician, 29:9
  • McCurry, Stephanie, author
    • "Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households, Gender Relations, and the Political Culture of the Antebellum South Carolina Low Country," 49:77
  • McCutchen, Rev. Chalmers E., V-E Day celebrant, 45:88
  • McDaid, Jennifer Davis, author, 48:46,47
    • Blue Ridge Sanatorium, 46:252-255
    • "'Living on a Frontier Part': Virginia Women Among the Indians," 46:67
    • "Thomas Jefferson and Elk Hill," 46:160-162
      • “With Lame Legs and No Money,” Virginia’s Disabled Confederate Veterans, 47:14-25
      • “Hampton Roads Baseball,” 48:132,133
      • "All Kinds of Revolutionaries, Pauline Adams, Jessie Townsend and the Norfolk Equal Suffrage League," 49:84-93
      • "Our share in the war is no small one," Virginia Women and World War I, 50:114-123
  • McDaniel,
    • Dick, servant to Joseph Wilmer, 33:186,191
    • George W., Baptist minister, 17(1):47
  • McDaniels, John R., hotel proprietor, 11(1):30
  • McDearmon, Samuel, mem. General Assembly, 17(4):37
  • McDermott, ______, Pastimes baseball club player, 48:123
  • McDonald,
    • E.H., Wytheville Classical Male School, 50:23
    • James, editor, 4(3):44,45
    • James, Richmond resident, 45:22,23
    • John, Irish immigrant, 47:42
    • Marshall, geologist, 9(3):40,43*
    • Travis C., author, 51:26-35
      • "Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, Privacy Restored,"
    • William, Lt., Continental army, 48:135
  • McDougall, Alexander, Whig leader, 38:35
  • McDowell,
    • Alfred H., sec. municipal bldg. com., 49:7
    • Charles, Continental officer, 30:26,27
    • Charles, Jr., Richmond Times-Dispatch columnist, 50:176,177
    • Irvin, Union officer, 19(4):33,36; 35:42,44*; 37:183,191*; 48:26
    • James, committee for Ann Smith Academy, 32:41
    • James, governor, father of Sally, 17(1):11,12*; 18(3):42; 23(3):17; 26:94; 32:41; 49:37,120,122,122*
    • James, bro. of Sally, 49:122
    • John, Irish grocer, 47:39,43
    • Louis Marshall, bro. of Sally, 49:122
    • Sally, Campbell Preston, Mrs., Lexington, d. of Gov. James, 49:120-131,121*,129*
      • "Memoir of James McDowell, LLD, Governor of Va.," 49:131
      • examples of her letters in trochaics, 49:125-128
    • Susanna Smith Preston, m. of Sally, 49:120,122
    • Thomas Preston, bro. of Sally, 49:122
    • William A., 1822 Fincastle Library Co. director, 49:36
    • William George, architect, 23:121,124,125; 23(3):27
  • McDowell, Battle of, 1862 (M), 12(4):26-28*; 34:159,160
  • McElroy, James, educator/minister, 18(3):35,36
  • McFadden, Anna Elizabeth, nurse, U.S. Naval Reserve, 50:115,117
  • McFarland,
    • Gen. Earl, U.S.A., V-E Day celebrant, 45:85
    • Mrs. William H., Richmond, 11(4):6
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7600 item(s) found

How to Use the Index

Compiled by two volunteers, Rachel Marks and Lois Raymond, 1992–2008, this resource indexes articles and illustrations published in volumes 1–51 of the Virginia Cavalcade.

Volume numbers are followed by the quarterly number, in parentheses, followed by pages. Beginning with Volume 24, pages were numbered consecutively throughout each volume, so quarterly numbers have been omitted. Here are examples:

  • 16(2):13-34 indicates Volume 16, Autumn number, and page numbers.
  • 27:154-157 indicates Volume and page numbers.

The following symbols have been used:

  • (M) for map within the pages given.
  • (D) copy of document within pages given.
  • * artistic production or photograph of person, place, or thing within pages given.


  • Almost all articles have illustrations of some type, but not all the illustrations are indexed.
  • Volume 18 includes a Number 5, which should be Volume 19, No. 1. This index includes material for that number under 18(5) and there is no reference to 19(1). (In the Colonial Williamsburg Library that issue may be found in both Vol. 18 and Vol. 19.)
  • Items about Virginia government appear under two headings: "Virginia, Colony," and Virginia, Commonwealth."
  • Information about entries indicated with ====== may be found in the card file in Rockefeller Library's Special Collections Department.