The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: October 16

WILLIAMSBURG, October 16, 1777.
Any Kind of Ore that may be found within this or the neighbouring States, and brought to Mr. Geddy's Shop in this City any Time before the Month of December, will be assayed or refined, gratis, and a proper Account rendered of what Metal such Ore contains. An accurate Account is necessary how such Ore as may be brought was found, whether in or contiguous to mountainous or hilly Grounds, rocky or stony, or on level Lands, or whether above or below the Surface of the Earth.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) October 17, 1777

About this entry:

The Geddy foundry produced objects chiefly made of brass, bronze and pewter, as well as silver and gold. Except for iron, very little mining or smelting of metals was done in Virginia or any other colonies at that time, and metal craftsmen relied on "recycled" or scrap metals for their products. This ad, while not specifically mentioning iron ore, could be referring to ore deposits found in Chesterfield, Spotsylvania and Orange counties as well as known deposits in neighboring Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Sources: Berg; Gregory

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