The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: February 11

WILLIAMSBURG, February 11, 1775.
TO BE SOLD THE Purchase I lately made of Warner Washington, Esq; consisting of an exceeding good Brick House with five Windows in Front, a very good Kitchen and Laundry, Coach House and Stables (the latter entirely new) Negro Quarters, etc. together with 2000 Acres of Land, more or less, whereof about 500 Acres adjoin to the House, and the rest in two Tracts, continguous to each other, lies at but a little Distance; on one Part of which are two new Corn Houses, and sufficient Quarters for Negroes, the other Part let out to three tenants.---Also an exceding well watered Mill now in Hand, which (before the Addition of a new Sluice) was let at 100 Barrels of Corn a Year. --- Likewise all the Stock of Horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and Horses, belonging to the Farm, English and Country made Ploughs, Carts, Waggons, Axes, and all other Implements of Husbandry, together with all or any Part of the Corn, Wheat, Fodder, and the rest of the Stock in Hand and in the Ground. --- Also the Stock of Negroes, consisting of eleven Men, three Women, and eight Children, will be all sold together with the Land, or separately, as the Purchaser may choose. All, or any Part of the Household and Kitchen Furniture (Plate and Pictures excepted) Linen, China, Books, etc. with the Stock of Liquors in the Cellar, will be disposed of. --- Likewise an exceeding good Coach and Phaeton almost new, a One Horse Chair, and the Coach and Saddle Horses, with two very find Brood Mares, one if not both with Foal, and three fine Colts just fit for Use. --- A sufficient Discount will be made for ready Money, which will be expected for most of the Articles, and for the House and Land also a proportionable Abatement; but Credit will be allowed the Purchaser if desired, upon giving approved Bond and Security to the Subscriber; who intends to quit the Colony in a few Months, or sooner, if he possibly can settle his Affairs therein. The Plantation being situated on Pianketank River, its Landing is very convenient to Fish and Oysters. It has also been long remarkable for its fine Peach Orchards. JONATHAN WATSON. *** If the House, Land, &c. be not disposed of before the next April meeting, the Carriages and Horses will be then, or very soon after, sold by Auction.

Virginia Gazette (Dixon & Hunter) February 11, 1775

About this entry:

Jonathan Watson emigrated to Virginia in 1767 with his wife and family. He purchased this impressive estate from Warner Washington, first cousin to George Washington. However, by 1775 Watson knew that as a loyalist, he must return to England. He was obliged to sell his estate for less than half its value. To prevent his gunpowder from getting into rebel hands he sank it at night in the river. After the Watsons returned to England they made their home in Gloucestershire.

Sources: Coldham, p 605

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