The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: March 18

WILLIAMSBURG, March 18, 1773.
DOCTOR GRAHM, Oculist and Aurist at Philadelphia, thus publicly gives notice that he proposes to be at Williamsburg about the middle of April next, where those persons whose circumstances or situation have precluded them from the benefit of applying for assistance at Philadelphia may consult him in all disorders of the eye, and its appendages, and in every species of deafness, hardness of hearing, ulcerations, noise in the ears,etc. Those persons, likewise, who have been deaf and dumb, or those who labour under any impediment in their speech, by applying personally, will probably be assisted.

Virginia Gazette (Rind) March 18,1773

About this entry:

Virginians who could afford to travel to Philadelphia sought medical treatment there for conditions unable to be treated by local apothecaries. Two years later, Dr. James Graham published a pamphlet in London which contained a reprint from the Virginia Gazette, June 3, 1773. describing the huge success of his visit.

Language notes:

An occulist is an ophthalmologist or eye doctor. An aurist is a physician specializing in the treatment of ear diseases

Sources: Graham, James

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