The Virginia Gazette

Today in the 1770s: December 21

WILLIAMSBURG, December 21, 1774.
To be SOLD, on Monday the 9th day of January, The houses and lots of the late Matthew Tewell, deceased, very pleasantly situated in St. Mary's street, leading to the capitol landing, with a well of good water. At the same time will be sold, a great variety of exceeding good household and kitchen furniture, carpenters, joiners, and turners tools, a quantity of timber, plank, boards, and pipe staves, a riding chair, cart, etc. on six months credit. Bond, with sufficient security, will be required for all sums above fifty shillings. All persons that are indebted to the said estate are desired to make immediate payment, and all those who have any demands are desired to bring them in, properly authenticated. MARY TEWELL, executrix.

Virginia Gazette (Pinkney) December 22, 1774

About this entry:

This list of the possessions to be sold shows that Matthew Tewell was a fairly prosperous carpenter. His property on the way to Queen Mary's Port, commonly called Capitol Landing, on Queen's Creek was an excellent location. Queen's Creek branched south from the York River and was navigable to Capitol Landing. Ships from other colonies and from England docked there, and the road would have been teeming with industry. Capitol Landing was also home to other tradesmen --bricklayers, tailors, tanners and tavern keepers.

Sources: Stephenson, Queen Mary's Port … RR147

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